
Showing posts from February, 2016

How to calculate bandwidth based on traffic.


Difference between MPLS, Lease Line and VPN


AWS Solution Architect Certification -- Exam Dumps

AWS Solution Architect Certification The AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate Level exam is intended for individuals with experience designing distributed applications and systems on the AWS platform.  I am listing many sample certification questions and answers while will help to face the certification successfully Keep in mind that the answers for each question might change due to the advancement of AWS and please try to find the answer in more logical manner Answers are below of the page Sample Questions for Amazon Web Services Associate  Solutions Architect Certification What does Amazon S3 stand for? A Simple Storage Solution. B Storage Storage Storage (triple redundancy Storage). C Storage Server Solution. D Simple Storage Service. You must assign each server to at least _____ security group A 3 B 2 C 4 D 1 - Before I delete an EBS volume, what can I do if I want to recreate the volume later? A Create a copy of the EBS volume (not a snapshot)