Power Blades console
Ways of getting partition consoles
NOTE1: Better use putty instead of command prompt...as command prompt mimic the character twice for some unknown reasons.
NOTE2: I usually open partition consoles through vnc sessions raher than any putty session
1. Reaching Partition console using 30002 session
This can be done only if fsp is in runtime (smsgr mfgState command should display runtime ) and the fsp is primary fsp.
a. go to asm (https:// ) network services -> debug vtty -> you will see 3 text boxes partition id sessiosn id and timeout.
Enter the partition id ( you can get this id either from phyp or from hmc)..in case of blades.....we usually have one partition...so we always use '1' for blades
Enter the session id as '0' ( this should always be zero for partition consoles ...'1' is for getting partition firmware oflite sesisons...which is only used for pfw debug purpose )
Enter the timeout as you wish...( from 0 till 120...or how much ever you wish )
Then From any terminal try telnet to fsp-ip on 30002 port ( telnet 30002 )
Note: you can open only 3 different session unlike hmc...
.ex: if you have 'n' partitions in a fsp...you can open partition console sessions for partition1, partition2 and partition3...and not for partition4...5...n..this is the limitation
To disconnect the console session type --> ctrl + ] then press q
b. Get the debug vtty session tokens(
2. Reaching Partition console using Blade's chassis
a. login to blade chassis using standard credentials ( USERID/PASSW0RD)
b. list -l 2 // will list the blades attached o the chassis...get the blade number here
b. env -T blade[]
c. console -o
To disconnect the console session type --> ctrl + ] then press q
3. Reaching Partitoon console using HMC/DPSM
a. login to hmc/dpsm using standard credentials( hscpe/abc1234 or hscroot/abc123 )
b. type "vtmenu" and can proceed from there which will list managed system's attched to hmc and later you find different parttions underneath each managed system
To disconnect the console session type ~(tilde) + ..( 2dots)...
NOTE: Very importantly...if you have opened session at any of these steps...you cannnot open another session for the same partition( meaning...if you have opened partition console using hmc..you cannot open the partition session using 30002 asm port )
NOTE: You might also get issues in opening partition consoles...if somebody has occupied a session...and has not released that session
We need to be more cautious with these steps..to avoid any console issues .
If we are not following these steps properly...you might face the console issues
registry -l SystemType --> check system type
telnet from LCB
telnet bch1port.in.ibm.com 2003 --> 2003 is the port number
then assign the IP with following commands
registry -w fstp/eth1_type "STATIC"
registry -w fstp/eth1_ipaddress ""
registry -w fstp/eth1_broadcast ""
registry -w fstp/eth1_subnetmask ""
registry -w fstp/eth0_hostname "fsp-ipv4"
registry -w fstp/eth1_gateway ""
registry -w fstp/eth1_dnsname0 ""
registry -w fstp/eth1_domainname "in.ibm.com"
registry -w fstp/eth0_hostname "blade102"
registry -w fstp/eth0_type "STATIC"
show all blade status
list -l 2
system> env -T blade[7]
system:blade[12]> power -state
system:blade[12]> power -state
system:blade[12]> power -on
system> env -T mm[2]
system:mm[2]> info
Name: SN#Y012UN19Y0NZ
UUID: ACCA 0165 EA6B 11E0 BDC4 E41F 1397 A7E6
Manufacturer: IBM (FOXC)
Manufacturer ID: 20301
Product ID: 65
Mach type/model: Advanced Management Module
Mach serial number: Not Available
Manuf date: 4011
Hardware rev: 18
Part no.: 80Y9080
FRU no.: 80Y9081
FRU serial no.: Y012UN19Y0NZ
CLEI: Not Available
AMM firmware
Build ID: BPET62F
Rel date: 09/12/2011
Rev: 62
Product Name: IBM Advance Management Module
system> list -l 2
blade[1] SN#YL91KW26D001
blade[2] P-98
blade[3] Blade-104
blade[5] Blade69
blade[7] Blade99
blade[8] SN#YL10W0161038
blade[10] P7blade61
blade[11] EagleDW49
blade[12] Blade91
blade[14] SN#YL10W9054023
mm[2] primary
system> env -T mm[2]
system:mm[2]> info
Name: SN#Y012UN19Y0NZ
UUID: ACCA 0165 EA6B 11E0 BDC4 E41F 1397 A7E6
Manufacturer: IBM (FOXC)
Manufacturer ID: 20301
Product ID: 65
Mach type/model: Advanced Management Module
Mach serial number: Not Available
Manuf date: 4011
Hardware rev: 18
Part no.: 80Y9080
FRU no.: 80Y9081
FRU serial no.: Y012UN19Y0NZ
CLEI: Not Available
AMM firmware
Build ID: BPET62F
Rel date: 09/12/2011
Rev: 62
Product Name: IBM Advance Management Module
system:mm[2]> env
system> env -T blade[1]
rmdev -dev ent8; rmdev -dev en8 ; rmdev -dev et8;rmdev -dev ent9; rmdev -dev en9 ; rmdev -dev et9
Q: ----------------------------------------------------------
1) 06-02F5B Open Firmware
Enter Number of Running Partition (q to quit): 1
Opening Virtual Terminal On Partition 06-02F5B . . .
Open in progress
The open failed.
-The session may already be open on another management console
-The server may not be ready to accept connections.
ANSwer: Disable SOV from chassis URL for blade
Serial Over LAN Status Help
Serial Over L A N Status.Click the checkboxes in the first column to select one or more blades; then, choose an action below the table and click "Perform Action" to perform that action on the selected blades. Also, the icon under the SOL Status column is a clickable link that will present a page of advanced status for the blade SOL connection.
Note: You have to enable the global "Serial over LAN" flag below in the Configuration section before enabling SOL on individual blades.
Bay Name SOL Status
SOL Disabled
NOTE1: Better use putty instead of command prompt...as command prompt mimic the character twice for some unknown reasons.
NOTE2: I usually open partition consoles through vnc sessions raher than any putty session
1. Reaching Partition console using 30002 session
This can be done only if fsp is in runtime (smsgr mfgState command should display runtime ) and the fsp is primary fsp.
a. go to asm (https://
Enter the partition id ( you can get this id either from phyp or from hmc)..in case of blades.....we usually have one partition...so we always use '1' for blades
Enter the session id as '0' ( this should always be zero for partition consoles ...'1' is for getting partition firmware oflite sesisons...which is only used for pfw debug purpose )
Enter the timeout as you wish...( from 0 till 120...or how much ever you wish )
Then From any terminal try telnet to fsp-ip on 30002 port ( telnet
Note: you can open only 3 different session unlike hmc...
.ex: if you have 'n' partitions in a fsp...you can open partition console sessions for partition1, partition2 and partition3...and not for partition4...5...n..this is the limitation
To disconnect the console session type --> ctrl + ] then press q
b. Get the debug vtty session tokens(
2. Reaching Partition console using Blade's chassis
a. login to blade chassis using standard credentials ( USERID/PASSW0RD)
b. list -l 2 // will list the blades attached o the chassis...get the blade number here
b. env -T blade[
c. console -o
To disconnect the console session type --> ctrl + ] then press q
3. Reaching Partitoon console using HMC/DPSM
a. login to hmc/dpsm using standard credentials( hscpe/abc1234 or hscroot/abc123 )
b. type "vtmenu" and can proceed from there which will list managed system's attched to hmc and later you find different parttions underneath each managed system
To disconnect the console session type ~(tilde) + ..( 2dots)...
NOTE: Very importantly...if you have opened session at any of these steps...you cannnot open another session for the same partition( meaning...if you have opened partition console using hmc..you cannot open the partition session using 30002 asm port )
NOTE: You might also get issues in opening partition consoles...if somebody has occupied a session...and has not released that session
We need to be more cautious with these steps..to avoid any console issues .
If we are not following these steps properly...you might face the console issues
registry -l SystemType --> check system type
telnet from LCB
telnet bch1port.in.ibm.com 2003 --> 2003 is the port number
then assign the IP with following commands
registry -w fstp/eth1_type "STATIC"
registry -w fstp/eth1_ipaddress ""
registry -w fstp/eth1_broadcast ""
registry -w fstp/eth1_subnetmask ""
registry -w fstp/eth0_hostname "fsp-ipv4"
registry -w fstp/eth1_gateway ""
registry -w fstp/eth1_dnsname0 ""
registry -w fstp/eth1_domainname "in.ibm.com"
registry -w fstp/eth0_hostname "blade102"
registry -w fstp/eth0_type "STATIC"
show all blade status
list -l 2
system> env -T blade[7]
system:blade[12]> power -state
system:blade[12]> power -state
system:blade[12]> power -on
system> env -T mm[2]
system:mm[2]> info
Name: SN#Y012UN19Y0NZ
UUID: ACCA 0165 EA6B 11E0 BDC4 E41F 1397 A7E6
Manufacturer: IBM (FOXC)
Manufacturer ID: 20301
Product ID: 65
Mach type/model: Advanced Management Module
Mach serial number: Not Available
Manuf date: 4011
Hardware rev: 18
Part no.: 80Y9080
FRU no.: 80Y9081
FRU serial no.: Y012UN19Y0NZ
CLEI: Not Available
AMM firmware
Build ID: BPET62F
Rel date: 09/12/2011
Rev: 62
Product Name: IBM Advance Management Module
system> list -l 2
blade[1] SN#YL91KW26D001
blade[2] P-98
blade[3] Blade-104
blade[5] Blade69
blade[7] Blade99
blade[8] SN#YL10W0161038
blade[10] P7blade61
blade[11] EagleDW49
blade[12] Blade91
blade[14] SN#YL10W9054023
mm[2] primary
system> env -T mm[2]
system:mm[2]> info
Name: SN#Y012UN19Y0NZ
UUID: ACCA 0165 EA6B 11E0 BDC4 E41F 1397 A7E6
Manufacturer: IBM (FOXC)
Manufacturer ID: 20301
Product ID: 65
Mach type/model: Advanced Management Module
Mach serial number: Not Available
Manuf date: 4011
Hardware rev: 18
Part no.: 80Y9080
FRU no.: 80Y9081
FRU serial no.: Y012UN19Y0NZ
CLEI: Not Available
AMM firmware
Build ID: BPET62F
Rel date: 09/12/2011
Rev: 62
Product Name: IBM Advance Management Module
system:mm[2]> env
system> env -T blade[1]
rmdev -dev ent8; rmdev -dev en8 ; rmdev -dev et8;rmdev -dev ent9; rmdev -dev en9 ; rmdev -dev et9
Q: ----------------------------------------------------------
1) 06-02F5B Open Firmware
Enter Number of Running Partition (q to quit): 1
Opening Virtual Terminal On Partition 06-02F5B . . .
Open in progress
The open failed.
-The session may already be open on another management console
-The server may not be ready to accept connections.
ANSwer: Disable SOV from chassis URL for blade
Serial Over LAN Status Help
Serial Over L A N Status.Click the checkboxes in the first column to select one or more blades; then, choose an action below the table and click "Perform Action" to perform that action on the selected blades. Also, the icon under the SOL Status column is a clickable link that will present a page of advanced status for the blade SOL connection.
Note: You have to enable the global "Serial over LAN" flag below in the Configuration section before enabling SOL on individual blades.
Bay Name SOL Status
SOL Disabled
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