inode full of a filesystem in GPFS

[root@GPFS1 mc_installers]# df -i /mc_installers/
Filesystem            Inodes   IUsed   IFree IUse% Mounted on
/dev/mc_installers   10485888 10485888       0  100% /mc_installers

[root@GPFS1 mc_installers]# mmlsfs /dev/mc_installers | grep inode-limit
 --inode-limit      10485888                 Maximum number of inodes

[root@GPFS1 mc_installers]# mmlsfs /dev/mc_installers
flag                value                    description
------------------- ------------------------ -----------------------------------
 -f                 2048                     Minimum fragment size in bytes
 -i                 512                      Inode size in bytes
 -I                 8192                     Indirect block size in bytes
 -m                 1                        Default number of metadata replicas
 -M                 2                        Maximum number of metadata replicas
 -r                 1                        Default number of data replicas
 -R                 2                        Maximum number of data replicas
 -j                 cluster                  Block allocation type
 -D                 nfs4                     File locking semantics in effect
 -k                 all                      ACL semantics in effect
 -n                 32                       Estimated number of nodes that will mount file system
 -B                 65536                    Block size
 -Q                 none                     Quotas enforced
                    none                     Default quotas enabled
 --filesetdf        No                       Fileset df enabled?
 -V                 13.01 (          File system version
 --create-time      Wed Dec  3 02:05:25 2014 File system creation time
 -u                 Yes                      Support for large LUNs?
 -z                 No                       Is DMAPI enabled?
 -L                 4194304                  Logfile size
 -E                 Yes                      Exact mtime mount option
 -S                 No                       Suppress atime mount option
 -K                 whenpossible             Strict replica allocation option
 --fastea           Yes                      Fast external attributes enabled?
 --inode-limit      10485888                 Maximum number of inodes
 -P                 system                   Disk storage pools in file system
 -d                 gpfs1nsd;gpfs2nsd        Disks in file system
 --perfileset-quota no                       Per-fileset quota enforcement
 -A                 yes                      Automatic mount option
 -o                 none                     Additional mount options
 -T                 /mc_installers           Default mount point
 --mount-priority   0                        Mount priority

[root@GPFS1 mc_installers]# mmchfs /dev/mc_installers -F 52429440
Set maxInodes for inode space 0 to 52429440
Fileset root changed.

[root@GPFS1 ~]# mmlsfs /dev/mc_installers | grep inode
 --inode-limit      52429440                 Maximum number of inodes

[root@GPFS1 ~]# df -i /mc_installers/
Filesystem            Inodes   IUsed   IFree IUse% Mounted on
/dev/mc_installers   52429440 10492742 41936698   21% /mc_installers


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