powerKVM commands
Kernel: http://ltcphx.austin.ibm.com/isos/frobisher/PowerKVM/releases/2.1.1/0.9.1/os/ppc/ppc64/vmlinuz
Initrd: http://ltcphx.austin.ibm.com/isos/frobisher/PowerKVM/releases/2.1.1/0.9.1/os/ppc/ppc64/initrd.img
Device tree:
Boot arguments: root=live:http://ltcphx.austin.ibm.com/isos/frobisher/PowerKVM/releases/2.1.1/0.9.1/os/LiveOS/squashfs.img repo=http://ltcphx.austin.ibm.com/isos/frobisher/PowerKVM/releases/2.1.1/0.9.1/os/packages rd.dm=0 rd.md=0 console=hvc0 console=tty0
Device tree:
Boot arguments: root=live: repo= rd.dm=0 rd.md=0 console=hvc0 console=tty0 ifname=eth0:6C:ae:8b:68:fe:c4 ip= nameserver=
Autoboot: (*) Don't autoboot
( ) Autoboot from any disk/network device
( ) Only autoboot from a specific disk/network device
Network: ( ) DHCP on all active interfaces
( ) DHCP on a specific interface
(*) Static IP configuration
Device: (*) eth0 [6c:ae:8b:68:fe:c4, link up]
( ) eth1 [6c:ae:8b:68:fe:c5, link down]
( ) eth2 [6c:ae:8b:68:fe:c6, link down]
( ) eth3 [6c:ae:8b:68:fe:c7, link down]
( ) eth4 [6c:ae:8b:68:ff:6c, link down]
( ) eth5 [6c:ae:8b:68:ff:6d, link down]
( ) eth6 [6c:ae:8b:68:ff:6e, link down]
( ) eth7 [6c:ae:8b:68:ff:6f, link down]
systemctl status kimchid.service
kimchid.service - Kimchi server
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/kimchid.service; enabled)
Active: active (running) since Sun 2014-09-07 09:48:29 IST; 5s ago
Process: 42846 ExecStop=/bin/kill -TERM $MAINPID (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Main PID: 42849 (kimchid)
CGroup: name=systemd:/system/kimchid.service
ââ42849 /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/kimchid
ââ42855 nginx: master process nginx -c /etc/kimchi/nginx_kimchi.co...
ââ42856 nginx: worker process
ââ42862 python /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/kimchi/websockify....
ââ42864 /usr/bin/python -Es /usr/sbin/tuned-adm active
another way is
11:25:27 PM: To update your existing IBM PowerKVM 2.1.0 using yum, follow these steps:
a) Make sure your system has connectivity to
pokgsa.ibm.com, from within PowerKVM host.
b) Download repository file:
# wget
-O /etc/yum.repos.d/powerkvm-devel.repo
c) Use the yum command to produce a list of available
updates. For example:
# yum update
d) Review the list of packages and enter Y if you agree.
To update your existing IBM PowerKVM 2.1.0 using the ibm-update-system utility, follow
these steps:
a) Download the IBM PowerKVM update ISO image from
and upload this ISO image to your PowerKVM system, in a
location of your choice.
b) Run the following command:
# ibm-udpate-system --iso-path=path_to_file
(Replace path_to_file with the path to the ISO file
containing the updates.)
c) Review the packages marked for update, and agree by
entering Y.
11:24:19 PM: yes it will be there
11:24:30 PM: it will change only package update
Commands History:
history |less
1 tail -f /var/log/messages
2 systemctl status kimchid.service
3 systemctl status libvirtd.service
4 systemctl restart kimchid.service
5 systemctl status kimchid.service
6 yum update
7 cd /var/lib/libvirt/images/
8 ls
9 mkdir build19
10 cd build19/
11 ls
12 downlaod.sh
13 vi download.sh
14 chmod 777 download.sh
15 nohup ./download.sh &
16 jobs
17 cat nohup.out
18 vi download.sh
19 nohup ./download.sh &
20 jobs
21 cat nohup.out
22 vi download.sh
23 cd ..
24 mv build19/ .build9
25 ls
26 cd .build9/
27 ls
28 rm -rf nohup.out
29 nohup ./download.sh &
30 jobs
31 ls
32 tail -f nohup.out
33 cd ..
34 ls
35 du -sh ubuntu-14-04-1-ppc64le.iso
36 cd .build9/
37 tail -f nohup.out
38 ls
39 rm -rf download.sh
40 rm -rf nohup.out
41 cd ..
42 mv .build9/ build9/
43 ls
44 ls build9/
45 df -TH
46 cd /var/lib/libvirt/images
47 wget
48 ls -l
49 du -sh ubuntu-14-04-1-ppc64le.iso
50 ifconfig
51 virsh net-list
52 virsh edit ubuntu
53 virsh list --all
54 virsh edit Ubuntu
55 ifconfig
56 vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
57 vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-br0
58 vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
59 vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-br0
60 vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
61 brctl show
62 brctl addbr br0
63 ifconfig br0 netmask up
64 route add default gw br0
65 virsh list --all
66 virsh start --console
67 virsh start --console Ubuntu_guest2
68 i /etc/resolv.conf
69 vi /etc/resolv.conf
70 clear
71 vi /etc/resolv.conf
72 kimchid .
73 systemctl status kimchid.service
74 ifconfig
75 man kimchid
76 systemctl status kimchid.service
77 systemctl status httpd.service
78 systemctl status http.service
79 i
80 ifconfig eth0 up
81 brctl addif br0 eth0
82 ifconfig
83 virsh list 0--all
84 virsh list --all
85 virsh console Ubuntu_guest2
86 ssh root@
87 virs list --all
88 virsh list --all
89 virsh console Ubuntu
90 virsh edit Ubuntu
91 virsh destroy Ubuntu
92 virsh start Ubuntu
93 ps -ef | grep -i Ubuntu
94 systemctl restart libvirtd.service
95 systemctl status kimchid.service
96 systemctl restart kimchid.service
97 systemctl status kimchid.service
98 systemctl restart libvirtd.service
99 systemctl status libvirtd.service
100 systemctl restart kimchid.service
101 ibm-update-system --iso-path=/var/lib/libvirt/images/build9/ibm-powerkvm-
102 systemctl restart kimchid.service
103 tail -f /var/log/messages
104 yum update
105 systemctl restart kimchid.service
106 tail -f /var/log/messages
107 virsh list --all
108 virsh destroy Ubuntu_guest2
109 virsh destroy Ubuntu
110 virsh list --all
111 systemctl restart libvirtd.service
112 systemctl status libvirtd.service
113 systemctl restart libvirtd.service
114 systemctl status libvirtd.service
115 systemctl restart kimchid.service
116 tail -f /var/log/messages
117 rpm -qa | grep- i kimchi
118 rpm -qa | grep -i kimchi
119 rpm -qa | grep -i libvirt
120 reboot
121 ifconfig
122 virsh list
123 virsh console 10
124 virsh edit 10
125 virsh dumpxml 10
126 virsh edit 10
127 virsh destroy 109
128 virsh destroy 10
129 virsh start --conosle ubuntu
130 virsh start --oonosle ubuntu
131 virsh start --console ubuntu
132 virsh list --all
133 virsh start --console Ubuntu
134 virsh console Ubuntu
135 cd /var/lib/libvirt/images/
136 ls
137 vi Ubuntu-guest2.xml
138 virsh console 10
139 virsh console Ubuntu
140 virsh edit Ubuntu-guest2.xml
141 virsh edit Ubuntu
142 virsh destroy Ubuntu
143 virsh start --console Ubuntu
144 vi Ubuntu-guest2.xml
145 mv Ubuntu-guest2.xml Ubuntu_guest2.xml
146 qemu-img create -f raw /var/lib/libvirt/images/Ubuntu_guest2.img 20G
147 virsh deifne Ubuntu_guest2.xml
148 virsh define Ubuntu_guest2.xml
149 virsh console Ubuntu
150 virsh reboot Ubuntu
151 virsh console Ubuntu
152 virsh edit Ubuntu
153 virsh destroy Ubuntu
154 virsh start Ubuntu
155 virsh console Ubuntu
156 virsh edit Ubuntu
157 virsh destroy Ubuntu
158 virsh start --console Ubuntu
159 vi /etc/libvirt/libvirt.conf
160 vi /etc/libvirt/qemu.conf
161 systemctl restart libvirtd.service
162 systemctl status libvirtd.service
163 virsh edit Ubuntu
164 virsh destroy Ubuntu
165 virsh start Ubuntu
166 ifc
167 ifconfig
168 systemctl restart network.service
169 \ifco
170 ifc
171 ifconfig
172 reboot
173 ifconfig
174 vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-br0
175 ls
176 cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/
177 l
178 ls
179 for i in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ; do ifconfig eth$i up; done
180 ifconfig
181 ls
182 cat *.f*
183 cat ifcfg-*
184 reboot
185 ifconfig
186 ifconfig eth0 up
187 ip link addr
188 ip link
189 ethtool enP3p5s0f0
190 ethtool enP3p5s0f1
191 ethtool enP3p5s0f2
192 ethtool enP3p5s0f3
193 ethtool enP3p11s0f0
194 ethtool enP3p11s0f1
195 ethtool enP3p11s0f2
196 ethtool enP3p11s0f3
197 history
198 for i in enP3p5s0f0 enP3p5s0f1 enP3p5s0f2 enP3p5s0f3 enP3p11s0f0 enP3p11s0f1 enP3p11s0f2 enP3p11s0f3 ; do ifconfig $i up; done
199 ifconfig
200 cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/
201 cat ifcfg-br0
202 ethtool enP3p5s0f0
203 vi ifcfg-enP3p5s0f0
204 ifconfig | grep -i enP3p5s0f0
205 ls *enP3p5s0f0*
206 mv ifcfg-br0 backup-ifcfg-br0
207 cp ifcfg-enP3p5s0f1 ifcfg-enP3p5s0f0
208 vi ifcfg-enP3p5s0f0
209 cat backup-ifcfg-br0
210 vi ifcfg-enP3p5s0f0
211 mv backup-ifcfg-br0 ifcfg-br0
212 vi ifcfg-br0
213 reboot
214 ls
215 ifconfig
216 ethtool enP3p5s0f1
217 ethtool br0
218 vi /etc/resolv.conf
219 ifconfig
220 route -n
221 ping
222 vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-enP3p11s0f1
223 ifconfig
224 cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/
225 ls
226 vi ifcfg-enP3p11s0f0
227 ls
228 less ifcfg-enP3p5s0f0
229 ifconfig enP3p5s0f1
230 ls
231 cat ifcfg-eth0
232 ifconfig enP3p5s0f1 up
233 ifconfig enP3p5s0f1
234 configure-system
235 ifconfig
236 ip link
237 ls
238 mv ifcfg-eth0 backup-ifcfg-eth0
239 ls
240 ifconfig enP3p5s0f1
241 ifconfig enP3p5s0f1 up
242 ifconfig enP3p5s0f1
243 ifconfig br0 up
244 ifconfig
245 ping
246 systemctl restart network.service
247 systemctl staus network.service
248 systemctl status network.service
249 ifconfig
250 ping
251 systemctl enable network.service
252 reboot
253 ifconfig
254 cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/
255 ls
256 vi ifcfg-enP3p5s0f1
257 ifconfig
258 vi ifcfg-enP3p5s0f1
259 ifconfig
260 vi ifcfg-enP3p5s0f1
261 systemctl restart network.service
262 ifconfig
263 route -n
264 ifconfig
265 ifconfig enP3p5s0f1 up
266 ethtool enP3p5s0f1
267 reboot
268 ifconfig
269 cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/
270 cat ifcfg-br0
271 ifconfig br0 down
272 ifconfig enP3p5s0f1 down
273 ifconfig enP3p5s0f1 up
274 ifconfig enP3p5s0f1 netmask
: 275 route add default gw enP3p5s0f1
276 route -n
277 ifconfig
278 vi ifcfg-enP3p5s0f1
279 systemctl restart network.service
280 ifconfig
281 mv ifcfg-br0 backup-ifcfg-br0
282 reboot
283 ifconfig -a
284 history |less
Kernel: http://ltcphx.austin.ibm.com/isos/frobisher/PowerKVM/releases/2.1.1/0.9.1/os/ppc/ppc64/vmlinuz
Initrd: http://ltcphx.austin.ibm.com/isos/frobisher/PowerKVM/releases/2.1.1/0.9.1/os/ppc/ppc64/initrd.img
Device tree:
Boot arguments: root=live:http://ltcphx.austin.ibm.com/isos/frobisher/PowerKVM/releases/2.1.1/0.9.1/os/LiveOS/squashfs.img repo=http://ltcphx.austin.ibm.com/isos/frobisher/PowerKVM/releases/2.1.1/0.9.1/os/packages rd.dm=0 rd.md=0 console=hvc0 console=tty0
Device tree:
Boot arguments: root=live: repo= rd.dm=0 rd.md=0 console=hvc0 console=tty0 ifname=eth0:6C:ae:8b:68:fe:c4 ip= nameserver=
Autoboot: (*) Don't autoboot
( ) Autoboot from any disk/network device
( ) Only autoboot from a specific disk/network device
Network: ( ) DHCP on all active interfaces
( ) DHCP on a specific interface
(*) Static IP configuration
Device: (*) eth0 [6c:ae:8b:68:fe:c4, link up]
( ) eth1 [6c:ae:8b:68:fe:c5, link down]
( ) eth2 [6c:ae:8b:68:fe:c6, link down]
( ) eth3 [6c:ae:8b:68:fe:c7, link down]
( ) eth4 [6c:ae:8b:68:ff:6c, link down]
( ) eth5 [6c:ae:8b:68:ff:6d, link down]
( ) eth6 [6c:ae:8b:68:ff:6e, link down]
( ) eth7 [6c:ae:8b:68:ff:6f, link down]
systemctl status kimchid.service
kimchid.service - Kimchi server
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/kimchid.service; enabled)
Active: active (running) since Sun 2014-09-07 09:48:29 IST; 5s ago
Process: 42846 ExecStop=/bin/kill -TERM $MAINPID (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Main PID: 42849 (kimchid)
CGroup: name=systemd:/system/kimchid.service
ââ42849 /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/kimchid
ââ42855 nginx: master process nginx -c /etc/kimchi/nginx_kimchi.co...
ââ42856 nginx: worker process
ââ42862 python /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/kimchi/websockify....
ââ42864 /usr/bin/python -Es /usr/sbin/tuned-adm active
another way is
11:25:27 PM: To update your existing IBM PowerKVM 2.1.0 using yum, follow these steps:
a) Make sure your system has connectivity to
pokgsa.ibm.com, from within PowerKVM host.
b) Download repository file:
# wget
-O /etc/yum.repos.d/powerkvm-devel.repo
c) Use the yum command to produce a list of available
updates. For example:
# yum update
d) Review the list of packages and enter Y if you agree.
To update your existing IBM PowerKVM 2.1.0 using the ibm-update-system utility, follow
these steps:
a) Download the IBM PowerKVM update ISO image from
and upload this ISO image to your PowerKVM system, in a
location of your choice.
b) Run the following command:
# ibm-udpate-system --iso-path=path_to_file
(Replace path_to_file with the path to the ISO file
containing the updates.)
c) Review the packages marked for update, and agree by
entering Y.
11:24:19 PM: yes it will be there
11:24:30 PM: it will change only package update
Commands History:
history |less
1 tail -f /var/log/messages
2 systemctl status kimchid.service
3 systemctl status libvirtd.service
4 systemctl restart kimchid.service
5 systemctl status kimchid.service
6 yum update
7 cd /var/lib/libvirt/images/
8 ls
9 mkdir build19
10 cd build19/
11 ls
12 downlaod.sh
13 vi download.sh
14 chmod 777 download.sh
15 nohup ./download.sh &
16 jobs
17 cat nohup.out
18 vi download.sh
19 nohup ./download.sh &
20 jobs
21 cat nohup.out
22 vi download.sh
23 cd ..
24 mv build19/ .build9
25 ls
26 cd .build9/
27 ls
28 rm -rf nohup.out
29 nohup ./download.sh &
30 jobs
31 ls
32 tail -f nohup.out
33 cd ..
34 ls
35 du -sh ubuntu-14-04-1-ppc64le.iso
36 cd .build9/
37 tail -f nohup.out
38 ls
39 rm -rf download.sh
40 rm -rf nohup.out
41 cd ..
42 mv .build9/ build9/
43 ls
44 ls build9/
45 df -TH
46 cd /var/lib/libvirt/images
47 wget
48 ls -l
49 du -sh ubuntu-14-04-1-ppc64le.iso
50 ifconfig
51 virsh net-list
52 virsh edit ubuntu
53 virsh list --all
54 virsh edit Ubuntu
55 ifconfig
56 vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
57 vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-br0
58 vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
59 vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-br0
60 vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
61 brctl show
62 brctl addbr br0
63 ifconfig br0 netmask up
64 route add default gw br0
65 virsh list --all
66 virsh start --console
67 virsh start --console Ubuntu_guest2
68 i /etc/resolv.conf
69 vi /etc/resolv.conf
70 clear
71 vi /etc/resolv.conf
72 kimchid .
73 systemctl status kimchid.service
74 ifconfig
75 man kimchid
76 systemctl status kimchid.service
77 systemctl status httpd.service
78 systemctl status http.service
79 i
80 ifconfig eth0 up
81 brctl addif br0 eth0
82 ifconfig
83 virsh list 0--all
84 virsh list --all
85 virsh console Ubuntu_guest2
86 ssh root@
87 virs list --all
88 virsh list --all
89 virsh console Ubuntu
90 virsh edit Ubuntu
91 virsh destroy Ubuntu
92 virsh start Ubuntu
93 ps -ef | grep -i Ubuntu
94 systemctl restart libvirtd.service
95 systemctl status kimchid.service
96 systemctl restart kimchid.service
97 systemctl status kimchid.service
98 systemctl restart libvirtd.service
99 systemctl status libvirtd.service
100 systemctl restart kimchid.service
101 ibm-update-system --iso-path=/var/lib/libvirt/images/build9/ibm-powerkvm-
102 systemctl restart kimchid.service
103 tail -f /var/log/messages
104 yum update
105 systemctl restart kimchid.service
106 tail -f /var/log/messages
107 virsh list --all
108 virsh destroy Ubuntu_guest2
109 virsh destroy Ubuntu
110 virsh list --all
111 systemctl restart libvirtd.service
112 systemctl status libvirtd.service
113 systemctl restart libvirtd.service
114 systemctl status libvirtd.service
115 systemctl restart kimchid.service
116 tail -f /var/log/messages
117 rpm -qa | grep- i kimchi
118 rpm -qa | grep -i kimchi
119 rpm -qa | grep -i libvirt
120 reboot
121 ifconfig
122 virsh list
123 virsh console 10
124 virsh edit 10
125 virsh dumpxml 10
126 virsh edit 10
127 virsh destroy 109
128 virsh destroy 10
129 virsh start --conosle ubuntu
130 virsh start --oonosle ubuntu
131 virsh start --console ubuntu
132 virsh list --all
133 virsh start --console Ubuntu
134 virsh console Ubuntu
135 cd /var/lib/libvirt/images/
136 ls
137 vi Ubuntu-guest2.xml
138 virsh console 10
139 virsh console Ubuntu
140 virsh edit Ubuntu-guest2.xml
141 virsh edit Ubuntu
142 virsh destroy Ubuntu
143 virsh start --console Ubuntu
144 vi Ubuntu-guest2.xml
145 mv Ubuntu-guest2.xml Ubuntu_guest2.xml
146 qemu-img create -f raw /var/lib/libvirt/images/Ubuntu_guest2.img 20G
147 virsh deifne Ubuntu_guest2.xml
148 virsh define Ubuntu_guest2.xml
149 virsh console Ubuntu
150 virsh reboot Ubuntu
151 virsh console Ubuntu
152 virsh edit Ubuntu
153 virsh destroy Ubuntu
154 virsh start Ubuntu
155 virsh console Ubuntu
156 virsh edit Ubuntu
157 virsh destroy Ubuntu
158 virsh start --console Ubuntu
159 vi /etc/libvirt/libvirt.conf
160 vi /etc/libvirt/qemu.conf
161 systemctl restart libvirtd.service
162 systemctl status libvirtd.service
163 virsh edit Ubuntu
164 virsh destroy Ubuntu
165 virsh start Ubuntu
166 ifc
167 ifconfig
168 systemctl restart network.service
169 \ifco
170 ifc
171 ifconfig
172 reboot
173 ifconfig
174 vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-br0
175 ls
176 cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/
177 l
178 ls
179 for i in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ; do ifconfig eth$i up; done
180 ifconfig
181 ls
182 cat *.f*
183 cat ifcfg-*
184 reboot
185 ifconfig
186 ifconfig eth0 up
187 ip link addr
188 ip link
189 ethtool enP3p5s0f0
190 ethtool enP3p5s0f1
191 ethtool enP3p5s0f2
192 ethtool enP3p5s0f3
193 ethtool enP3p11s0f0
194 ethtool enP3p11s0f1
195 ethtool enP3p11s0f2
196 ethtool enP3p11s0f3
197 history
198 for i in enP3p5s0f0 enP3p5s0f1 enP3p5s0f2 enP3p5s0f3 enP3p11s0f0 enP3p11s0f1 enP3p11s0f2 enP3p11s0f3 ; do ifconfig $i up; done
199 ifconfig
200 cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/
201 cat ifcfg-br0
202 ethtool enP3p5s0f0
203 vi ifcfg-enP3p5s0f0
204 ifconfig | grep -i enP3p5s0f0
205 ls *enP3p5s0f0*
206 mv ifcfg-br0 backup-ifcfg-br0
207 cp ifcfg-enP3p5s0f1 ifcfg-enP3p5s0f0
208 vi ifcfg-enP3p5s0f0
209 cat backup-ifcfg-br0
210 vi ifcfg-enP3p5s0f0
211 mv backup-ifcfg-br0 ifcfg-br0
212 vi ifcfg-br0
213 reboot
214 ls
215 ifconfig
216 ethtool enP3p5s0f1
217 ethtool br0
218 vi /etc/resolv.conf
219 ifconfig
220 route -n
221 ping
222 vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-enP3p11s0f1
223 ifconfig
224 cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/
225 ls
226 vi ifcfg-enP3p11s0f0
227 ls
228 less ifcfg-enP3p5s0f0
229 ifconfig enP3p5s0f1
230 ls
231 cat ifcfg-eth0
232 ifconfig enP3p5s0f1 up
233 ifconfig enP3p5s0f1
234 configure-system
235 ifconfig
236 ip link
237 ls
238 mv ifcfg-eth0 backup-ifcfg-eth0
239 ls
240 ifconfig enP3p5s0f1
241 ifconfig enP3p5s0f1 up
242 ifconfig enP3p5s0f1
243 ifconfig br0 up
244 ifconfig
245 ping
246 systemctl restart network.service
247 systemctl staus network.service
248 systemctl status network.service
249 ifconfig
250 ping
251 systemctl enable network.service
252 reboot
253 ifconfig
254 cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/
255 ls
256 vi ifcfg-enP3p5s0f1
257 ifconfig
258 vi ifcfg-enP3p5s0f1
259 ifconfig
260 vi ifcfg-enP3p5s0f1
261 systemctl restart network.service
262 ifconfig
263 route -n
264 ifconfig
265 ifconfig enP3p5s0f1 up
266 ethtool enP3p5s0f1
267 reboot
268 ifconfig
269 cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/
270 cat ifcfg-br0
271 ifconfig br0 down
272 ifconfig enP3p5s0f1 down
273 ifconfig enP3p5s0f1 up
274 ifconfig enP3p5s0f1 netmask
: 275 route add default gw enP3p5s0f1
276 route -n
277 ifconfig
278 vi ifcfg-enP3p5s0f1
279 systemctl restart network.service
280 ifconfig
281 mv ifcfg-br0 backup-ifcfg-br0
282 reboot
283 ifconfig -a
284 history |less
Post a Comment