Analysis of Six Distributed File Systems

Analysis of Six Distributed File Systems
Benjamin Depardon
Cyril S eguin
Laboratoire MIS, Universit e de Picardie Jules Verne
Gael Le Mahec
Laboratoire MIS, Universit e de Picardie Jules Verne
February 15, 2013
hal-00789086, version 1 - 15 Feb 2013
1 De nitions and related work 2
1.1 Distributed le system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2 Scalable architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.3 Transparency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.3.1 Naming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.3.2 Data access Interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.3.3 Caching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.3.4 Fault detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.4 Fault tolerance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.4.1 Replication and placement policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.4.2 Synchronisation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.4.3 Cache consistency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.4.4 Load balancing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.5 Related work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2 Introduction of distributed le systems surveyed 7
2.1 HDFS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.1.1 Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.1.2 Naming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.1.3 API and client access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.1.4 Cache consistency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.1.5 Replication and synchronisation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.1.6 Load balancing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.1.7 Fault detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.2 MooseFS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.2.1 Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.2.2 Naming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.2.3 API and client access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.2.4 Replication and synchronisation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.2.5 Load balancing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.2.6 Fault detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.3 iRODS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.3.1 Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.3.2 Naming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.3.3 API and client access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.3.4 Cache consistency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.3.5 Replication and synchronisation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.3.6 Load balancing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.3.7 Fault detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.4 Ceph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
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2.4.1 Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.4.2 Naming, API and client access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.4.3 Cache consistency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.4.4 Replication and synchronisation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.4.5 Load balancing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.4.6 Fault detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.5 GlusterFS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.5.1 Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.5.2 Naming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.5.3 API and client access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.5.4 Cache consistency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.5.5 Replication and synchronisation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.5.6 Load balancing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.5.7 Fault detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.6 Lustre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.6.1 Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.6.2 Naming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.6.3 API and client access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.6.4 Cache consistency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.6.5 Replication and synchronisation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.6.6 Load balancing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.6.7 Fault detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
3 Analysis and Comparison 15
3.1 Scalability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
3.1.1 Discussion about architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
3.1.2 Small or big les? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
3.2 Transparency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
3.2.1 File access & operations transparency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
3.2.2 Fault detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
3.2.3 System access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
3.3 Fault tolerance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
3.3.1 System availability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
3.3.2 Data availability & data synchronisation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
3.3.3 Load balancing & cache consistency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
3.3.4 Test on data servers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
4 Tests achieved on the DFSs 20
4.1 Setting up the DFSs studied on grid5000 platform . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
4.1.1 HDFS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
4.1.2 MooseFS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
4.1.3 iRODS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
4.1.4 Ceph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
4.1.5 GlusterFS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
4.1.6 Lustre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
4.2 System accessibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
4.2.1 HDFS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
4.2.2 MooseFS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
4.2.3 iRODS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
4.2.4 Ceph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
4.2.5 GlusterFS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
4.3 System availability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
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4.3.1 HDFS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
4.3.2 MooseFS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
4.3.3 iRODS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
4.3.4 Ceph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
4.3.5 GlusterFS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
4.3.6 Lustre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
4.4 System performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
5 Conclusion 37
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A wide variety of applications, particularly in High Performance Computing, relies on
distributed environments to process and analyse large amounts of data. New infrastructures
have emerged to support the execution of such computations, most of them involve
distributed computing, parallelizing the computing process among the nodes of a large
distributed computing platform. As the amount of data increases, the need to provide
e cient, easy to use and reliable storage solutions has become one of the main issue for
scienti c computing. A well-tried solution to this issue is the use of Distributed File
Systems (DFSs). In this paper we present and compare six modern DFSs that are today
widely used to deal with the problem of storage capacities and data access, federating the
resource of distributed platform.
hal-00789086, version 1 - 15 Feb 2013
A wide variety of applications, such as probabilistic analysis, weather forecasting and
aerodynamic research, relies on distributed environments to process and analyse large
amounts of data. New infrastructures have emerged to support the execution of such
computations, such as computing grid and petascale architectures. As the amount of
data increases, the need to provide e cient, easy to use and reliable storage solutions has
become one of the main concern of datacenters administrators.
Nowadays, the principle storage solution used by supercomputers, clusters and datacenters
is, of course, Distributed File Systems (DFSs). DFSs provide permanent storage
for sharing multiple les, and build a hierarchical and uni ed view of these les by federating
storage resources dispersed in a network. High performance computing applications
heavily rely on these DFSs.
We consider that a thorough study and a comparison including older DFSs is needed
to guide users in their choice. In this paper, we give a presentation and a comparison of
four new popular and two former DFSs based on three fundamental issues: scalability,
transparency and fault tolerance. We make the choice to study popular, used in production
and frequently updated DFSs: HDFS [1], MooseFS1, iRODS [2, 3, 4], Ceph [5, 6, 7],
GlusterFS [8, 9] and Lustre [10, 11, 12, 13, 14].
This paper is organized as follows. Section 1 provides de nitions and related work.
Section 2 is dedicated to the introduction of the distributed le systems studied. Finally,
we analyse and compare the DFSs in Section 3 and introduce some tests in Section 4.4.
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Chapter 1
De nitions and related work
In this section, we remind basic issues, designs and features of DFSs. These de nitions
are based on those of Levy and SilberSchatz [15].
1.1 Distributed le system
A DFS provides a permanent storage in which a set of objects that exist from their explicit
creation until their explicit destruction are immune to systems failures. This permanent
storage consists of several federated storage resources in which clients can create, delete,
read or write les. Unlike local le systems, storage resources and clients are dispersed
in a network. Files are shared between users in a hierarchical and uni ed view: les are
stored on di erent storage resources, but appear to users as they are put on a single
location. A distributed le system should be transparent, fault-tolerant and scalable. We
now de ne these three notions:
Transparency: users should access the system regardless where they log in from,
be able to perform the same operations on DFSs and local lesystems, and should
not care about faults due to distributed nature of the lesystem thanks to fault
tolerance mechanisms. Transparency can also be seen in term of performance: data
manipulations should be at least as e cient as on conventional le systems. In
short, the complexity of the underlying system must be hidden to users.
Fault tolerance: a fault tolerant system should not be stopped in case of transient
or partial failures. Faults considered are: network and server failures that make
data and services unavailable, data integrity and consistency when several users
concurrently access data.
Scalability: this is the ability to e ciently leverage large amounts of servers which
are dynamically and continuously added in the system. Usually, it is about ten of
thousands of nodes.
DFSs are designed to answer these issues. This is discussed in the next three Sections.
1.2 Scalable architecture
There are no step by step designs for DFSs, but some designs should be avoided to build
a scalable system. For example centralised system depending on a single server can be
a bottleneck for the system. Limits of a single server processing users' requests can be
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reached more quickly than limits of several. Another example is about network congestion
in which scalability depends on machines interactions. Performing a lot of data transfers
or sharing a lot of messages can lead to congestion. Therefore, some key concepts must
be taken into account before building one.
Currently, some systems still adopt a centralised architecture, but provide tools to
push limits. Multi-Threading are one of such tools. Requests will use little resources
and will not block the entire server in the contrary of single threading systems. Thus,
several requests can be processed in parallel, but the system will always be limited to
the computation power of the machine it runs on. Though local parallelism using multithreading
improves the capacities of a system to scale, it is far to be enough for the
today's volumes of data. Another solution consists in caching data, which can reduce the
number of data transfers. This is discussed in Section 1.3.3.
Following these observations and those of Thanh and al. [16], we now introduce some
DFSs' architectures:
In Client-Server Architectures, several servers manage, store and share metadata
(information about data) and data between multiple clients by providing a
global namespace of the system (see Section 1.3.1). Adding new servers increases
both storage and query processing capacity.
In Cluster-Based Distributed File System metadata and data are decoupled.
One or more servers are dedicated to manage metadata and several ones store data.
A system with only one metadata server is called centralised, whereas a system
with distributed metadata servers is called totally distributed.
All of these DFSs can also be parallel: data are divided into several blocks which
are simultaneously distributed across several servers, thus maximising throughput. This
is called striping [16, 17].
1.3 Transparency
In a DFS, the end-user does not need to know how the system is designed, how data
is located and accessed, and how faults are detected. In this section, we present some
features that ensure transparency.
1.3.1 Naming
This is a mapping between a logical name and a physical location of a data. For example,
in a classic le system, clients use logical name (textual name) to access a le which is
mapped to physical disk blocks. In a DFS, servers name holding the disk on which data
is stored must be added. DFSs must respect location transparency: details of how and
where les are stored are hidden to clients. Furthermore, multiple copies of a le (see
Section 1.4.1) may exist, so mapping must return a set of locations of all the available
copies. DFSs should also be location independent: the logical name should not change
even if the le is moved to another physical location. To do so, allocation tables [1] or
sophisticated algorithms [7] are used to provide a global name space structure, that is the
same name space for all clients. For more technical details about naming see [15].
1.3.2 Data access Interfaces
Clients can create, read, write, delete les without thinking about the complex mechanisms
of the underlying system which performs operations and must be provided with an
access to the system with the help of simple tools. Here are some examples of such tools:
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Command line interface (CLI) is used to access les with traditional unix command
(cp, rm, mv . . . ).
Java, C, C++, other programming languages and REST (web-based) API can be
used to design graphic interface like the Windows explorer.
Users can be allowed to mount (attach) remote directories to their local le system,
thus accessing remote les as if they were stored in a local device. The FUSE
mechanism or the unix mount command are some examples.
1.3.3 Caching
This is a technique which consists in temporarily storing requested data into client's
memory. DFSs use caching to avoid additional network tra c and CPU consumption
caused by repeated queries on the same le and thus increase performance [18]. When
a data is requested for the rst time, a copy is made from the server that holds this
data to the client's main memory. Thus for every future request of this data, the client
will use the local copy, avoiding communications with the server and disk access. This
feature is related to performance transparency since with this technique requests can be
quickly performed, hiding data distribution to users. However, when a data is changed,
the modi cation must be propagated to the server and to any other clients that have
cached the data. This is the cache consistency problem discussed in Section 1.4.3.
1.3.4 Fault detection
This is the ability to detect overloaded servers (see Section 1.4.4), incorrect behaviour of a
server or corrupted data, and make decisions to correct these faults. In DFSs, faults (see
Section 1.4) must be detected by the system, using minimum resources, before corrected,
so that, users do not be aware that such faults occur. All machines communicate together
in a transparent manner by exchanging small messages. For example, report [1] allows
servers managing the name space to know what data are held by which server. Since data
are always in movement (see Section 1.4.4), this allows the system to identify which data
is lost, needs to be moved or recopied when a server become unavailable or overloaded.
Another message is heartbeats [1] which is used to con rm servers availability. If one does
no send heartbeats for a time, it is moved to quarantine and report messages are used to
apply the correct decision.
1.4 Fault tolerance
In DFSs, network and servers failures are the norm rather than the exception. Tools
must be deployed to maintain data always available, to guarantee query processing in
case of faults. Integrity and consistency of data must also be taken into account since
mechanisms like caching or replication are provided. We present in this section some
features to ensure fault tolerance.
1.4.1 Replication and placement policy
In order to make data always available, even if a server crashes, DFSs use replication of
les by making several copies of a data on di erent servers. When a client requests a
data, he transparently accesses one of the copies. To improve fault tolerance, replicas are
stored on di erent servers according to a placement policy. For example, replicas can be
stored on di erent nodes, on di erent racks, at di erent geographical locations, so that
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if a fault occurs anywhere in the system, data is still available [1]. However this can lead
to consistencies issues that are discussed in the next Section.
1.4.2 Synchronisation
In DFSs, synchronisation between copies (see Section 1.4.1) of data must be taken into
account. When a data is rewritten all of its copies must be updated to provide users with
the latest version of the data. Three main approaches exist:
In the synchronous method any request on modi ed data is blocked until all the
copies are updated. This ensures the users access the latest version of the data, but
delays queries executions.
In the second method called asynchronous, requests on modi ed data are allowed,
even if copies are not updated. This way, requests could be performed in a reasonable
time, but users can access to an out-of-date copy.
The last approach is a trade-o between the rst two. In the semi-asynchronous
method, requests are blocked until some copies, but not all, are updated. For
example, let assume there are ve copies of a data, a request on this data will be
allowed once three copies will be updated. This limits the possibility to access to
an out-of-date data, while reducing delay for queries executions.
1.4.3 Cache consistency
This is the same problem as synchronisation: how to update all copies of a data in cache,
when one them is modi ed. As seen in Section 1.3.3 data can be cached to improve the
performance of the system, which can lead to inconsistencies between copies when one of
them is changed by a user. These modi cation needs to be propagated to all copies and
data in cache to provide users an up-to-date version of them [18]. To avoid this problem,
di erent approaches are used:
Write Only Read Many (WORM): is a rst approach to ensure consistency. Once a
le is created, it cannot be modi ed. Cached les are in read-only mode, therefore
each read re
ects the latest version of the data.
A second method is Transactional locking which consists in: obtaining a read lock
on the requested data, so that any other users cannot perform a write on this data;
or obtaining a write lock in order to prevent any reads or writes on this data.
Therefore, each read re
ect the latest write, and each write is done in order.
Another approach is Leasing. It is a contract for a limited period between the server
holding the data and the client requesting this data for writing. The lease is provided
when the data is requested, and during the lease the client is guaranteed that no
other user can modify the data. The data is available again if the lease expires or
if the client releases its rights [19]. For future read requests, the cache is updated
if the data has been modi ed. For future write requests a lease is provided to the
client if allowed (that is, no lease exists for this data or the rights are released).
1.4.4 Load balancing
is the ability to auto-balance the system after adding or removing servers. Tools must be
provided to recover lost data, to store them on other servers or to move them from a hot
device to a newly added one. As seen in Section 1.3.4 communications between machines
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allow the system to detect servers failures and servers overload. To correct these faults,
servers can be added or removed. When a server is removed from the system, the latter
must be able to recover the lost data, and to store them on other servers. When a server
is added to the system, tools for moving data from a hot server to the newly added server
must be provided. Users don't have to be aware of this mechanism. Usually, DFSs use a
scheduled list in which they put data to be moved or recopied. Periodically, an algorithm
iterates over this list and performs the desired action. For example, Ceph uses a function
called Controlled Replication Under Scalable Hashing (CRUSH) to randomly
store new data, move a subset of existing data to new storage resources and uniformly
restore data from removed storage resources [5].
1.5 Related work
Many DFS's have been developed over the years providing di erent architectures and
features [10, 1, 5]. Little comparisons have been done on DFSs making users hesitant
in their choice. In 1989, Satyanarayanan [20] provides a taxonomy about the di erent
issues a DFS can meet and must solve. A detailed introduction on Sun NFS, Apollo
Domain, AFS, IBM AIX DS, AT&T RFS and Sprite is given and a comparison according
to the taxonomy is made. However, new DFSs have appeared (Ceph, GlusterFS . . . )
and only a few of those studied (NFS, AFS) are still in use. In [16] Thanh and al. take
back Satyanarayanan's taxonomy to compare contemporary DFSs like Panasas, PVFS,
GFS . . . Nevertheless, no presentation on the surveyed DFSs is provided and only a summary
table is given. More recently, HDFS, Lustre and MooseFS were brie
y studied
[21]. The comparison focus on few performance and functions which are little detailed.
Since 2011, architectures and features have not dramatically changed but new DFSs have
gained popularity (Ceph, GlusterFS, iRODS) and must be taken into account for a new
comparison. Furthermore, the survey of this DFSs must be more detailed. In the next
section, we present the scalability, transparency and fault-tolerance of six DFSs: HDFS,
MooseFS, iRODS, Ceph, GlusterFS and Lustre.
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Chapter 2
Introduction of distributed le
systems surveyed
It is di cult to make an exhaustive study given the number of existing DFSs. In this
paper, we choose to study popular, used in production, and frequently updated DFSs:
HDFS [1], MooseFS1, iRODS [2, 3, 4], Ceph [5, 6, 7], GlusterFS [8, 9] and Lustre [10, 11,
12, 13, 14].
2.1 HDFS
HDFS2 is the Hadoop Distributed File System under Apache licence 2.0 developed by the
Apache Software Foundation [1].
2.1.1 Architecture
HDFS is a centralised distributed le system. Metadata are managed by a single server
called the namenode and data are split into blocks, distributed and replicated at several
datanodes. A secondary namenode is provided and is a persistent copy of the namenode.
This allows HDFS to restart with an up-to-date con guration, in case of namenode
failures, by restoring the namespace from the secondary namenode.
2.1.2 Naming
HDFS handles its name space in a hierarchy of les and directories using inodes which
hold metadata such as permissions, space disk quota, access time. . . The name space
and metadata are managed by the namenode which also performs the mapping between
lename and le blocks stored on the datanodes.
2.1.3 API and client access
HDFS provides a code library that allows users to read, write and delete le and create
and delete directories. Users access a le using its path in the namespace and contact the
namenode to know where to retrieve or put les' blocks, and then request the transfer
by communicating directly with the datanodes. This is done in a transparent way using
some API in C, Java or REST. HDFS also provides a module based on FUSE ( le system
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in user space). This is an interface which exposes users with a virtual le system which
corresponds to a physical remote directory. Thus, each client request is relayed to a
remote le by this interface.
2.1.4 Cache consistency
HDFS implements a write only read many model: when a le is created, data written to
it, and then the le is closed, it cannot be modi ed anymore. A client wanting to create
a new le is granted a lease which guarantees exclusive write access to the le. Thus
no concurrent write access is allowed. However, HDFS allows users to read a le that is
currently written. In this case and in case of network or servers failures, data consistency
is ensured by a checksum which is generated for each data blocks. When a client wants to
read a le, he compares the checksum stored in HDFS with the checksum he computed.
2.1.5 Replication and synchronisation
HDFS splits data into blocks which are replicated and distributed across several datanodes
according to a default placement policy. No datanode holds more than one copy of a
block, and no rack holds more than two copies of the same block. The namenode veri es
that each block has the intended number of replicas. If a block is over-replicated, the
namenode chooses a replica to delete, trying not to reduce the number of racks in which
replicas are stored, and preferring to remove a replica on the datanode with the least
amount of available disk space. If a block is under-replicated, creation of a new replica
is scheduled and placed in a priority queue which is veri ed periodically. The new block
will be stored in accordance with the placement policy. If all replicas of a block are on
the same rack, the namenode will add a new replica on a di erent rack. The block will
become over-replicated, thus triggering the deletion of some replicas. Finally, data are
replicated in asynchronous mode, but tools are provided to tolerate synchronous mode.
2.1.6 Load balancing
HDFS de nes the utilisation of a server (or cluster) as the ratio of the space used to the
total capacity of the server (or cluster), and xes a threshold value in the range of (0,1).
It decides that a cluster is balanced if for each datanode the usage of the server is di erent
from the usage of the cluster by no more than the threshold value. In HDFS, if a node is
unbalanced, replicas are moved from it to another one respecting the placement policy.
2.1.7 Fault detection
Servers in HDFS are fully connected and communicate with each other to detect some
faults such as network or server failures and to keep the system secure and available.
At startup each datanode compares the software version and the namespace ID (which
is assigned when the datanode is formatted) with those of the namenode. If they don't
match, the datanode shuts down, thus preserving the integrity of the system. Datanodes
also perform a registration with the namenode which consists in making the datanodes
recognizable even if they restart with a di erent IP address or port. After this registration
and every hour, datanodes send block reports (information about blocks held) to the
namenode in order to provide the latter with an up-to-date view of the location of each
block. Every three seconds, datanodes send heartbeats to the namenode to con rm their
availability. The namenode considers datanodes as out-of-service if it does not receive
any heartbeats during ten minutes. Heartbeats also provide statistic information (storage
capacity, number of data transfers in progress. . . ) to the namenode so that it can make
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decisions for load balancing. Namenode's instructions (to correct faults) like removing or
replicating a block are also sent to datanodes thanks to heartbeats.
2.2 MooseFS
MooseFs3 is an open source (GPL) distributed le system developed by Gemius SA.
2.2.1 Architecture
MooseFS acts as HDFS. It has a master server managing metadata, several chunk servers
storing and replicating data blocks. MooseFS has a little di erence since it provides
failover between the master server and the metalogger servers. Those are machines which
periodically download metadata from the master in order to be promoted as the new one
in case of failures.
2.2.2 Naming
MooseFS manages the namespace as HDFS does. It stores metadata (permission, last
access. . . ) and the hierarchy of les and directories in the master main memory, while
performing a persistent copy on the metalogger. It provides users with a global name
space of the system.
2.2.3 API and client access
MooseFS clients access the le system by mounting the name space (using the mfsmount
command) in their local le system. They can perform the usual operations by communicating
with the master server which redirects them to the chunk servers in a seamless
way. mfsmount is based on the FUSE mechanism.
2.2.4 Replication and synchronisation
In MooseFS, each le has a goal, that is, a speci c number of copies to be maintained.
When a client writes data, the master server will send it a list of chunks servers in which
data will be stored. Then, the client sends the data to the rst chunk server which orders
other ones to replicate the le in a synchronous way.
2.2.5 Load balancing
MooseFS provides load balancing. When a server is unavailable due to a failure, some
data do not reach their goal. In this case, the system will store replicas on other chunks
servers. Furthermore, les can be over their goal. If such a case appears, the system
will remove a copy from a chunk server. MooseFS also maintains a data version number
so that if a server is again available, mechanisms allow the server to update the data it
stores. Finally, it is possible to dynamically add new data server which will be used to
store new les and replicas.
2.2.6 Fault detection
In MooseFS, when a server becomes unavailable, it is put in quarantine and no I/O
operations to it can be perform.
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2.3 iRODS
iRODS4 [2, 3, 4] is a highly customisable system developed by the Data Intensive Cyber
Environments (DICE) research group.
2.3.1 Architecture
iRODS, a centralised system, has two major components: the iCat server which stores
metadata in a database and handles queries to these metadata; and several iRODS servers
which store data to storage resources. An iCat server and several iRODS servers form a
zone. Compared to the other distributed le systems, iRODS relies on storage resources'
local le system (Unix le system, NTFS. . . ) and does not format or deploy its own le
2.3.2 Naming
iRODS stores the name space and metadata in a database, and provides tools similar to
SQL, to query the metadata . Users can see the same hierarchy of les and directories
like in Unix le system (e.g., /home/myname/my le.txt). iRODS also provides tools to
federate di erent zones, making les of one zone reachable to clients of another zone.
2.3.3 API and client access
Clients in iRODS need to connect to only one server (iCat or iRODS server), since iRODS
ensures routing between the di erent components. iRODS provides a client interface in
command line, a FUSE module and some API (PHP, Java . . . ) to ensure I/O operations
and to process queries. Similarly to DFSs seen above, clients communicate with the iCat
server for metadata requests and directly with iRODS servers for the I/O.
2.3.4 Cache consistency
iRODS uses a WORM mechanism. However, in some cases, data could be rewritten with
a --force option. In this case other options are provided to ensure consistency: --wlock
and --rlock. These are write lock and read lock which allow to block a le during a
write or read operation.
2.3.5 Replication and synchronisation
By default, iRODS does not automatically replicate data. Instead it implements a replication
command (irepl) which can be manually run like other usual operations (iput,
iget. . . ). However, iRODS being a customisable system, it is possible to create rules, that
is, designing little commands to be run after a speci c operation. For example, building
a rule that order the system to replicate data after its creation. In this case, the copies
are made in a synchronous fashion. The placement policy is however the responsibility of
the users. iRODS also allows users to create groups of storage resources and to choose in
which group they want to store data and replicas.
2.3.6 Load balancing
In iRODS, storage resources belong to a default group or a group created by users. These
resources are monitored to measure servers activity. A rule is periodically run to determine
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whenever a server is overloaded, according to con gurable parameters (CPU load, used
disk space. . . ) and allows iRODS to choose the appropriate storage in a group to place
new data. However, it is possible to tell iRODS to avoid or force a data to be placed on
a speci c resource using other rules. Users can also move data from a storage to another
one. Therefore, just like replication, users can choose how to balance the system.
2.3.7 Fault detection
iRODS is implemented as a peer-to-peer fashion. Thus, servers can communicate together
to detect whenever a server become unavailable. In this case, the inaccurate server is
removed from the group of storage resources and client cannot perform any I/O operations
from or to this server.
2.4 Ceph
Ceph5 [5, 6, 7] is an open source (LGPL) distributed le system developed by Sage Weil.
2.4.1 Architecture
Ceph is a totally distributed system. Unlike HDFS, to ensure scalability Ceph provides a
dynamic distributed metadata management using a metadata cluster (MDS) and stores
data and metadata in Object Storage Devices (OSD). MDSs manage the namespace, the
security and the consistency of the system and perform queries of metadata while OSDs
perform I/O operations.
2.4.2 Naming, API and client access
In contrast to the other DFSs in which metadata server looks up for the localisation of
each data blocks, Ceph allows clients to calculate which objects comprise the requested
data. Indeed, each data are striped into blocks which are assigned to objects. These
objects are identi ed by the same inode number plus an object number, and placed on
storage devices using a function called CRUSH [7]. When a client requests a data, it
contacts a node in the MDSs cluster which sends it the inode number and the le size.
Then, the client can calculate how many objects comprise the le, and contacts the OSDs
cluster to retrieve the data with the help of CRUSH. Transparency is ensured thanks to
a REST API or by mounting the name space in user space (FUSE or mount command).
2.4.3 Cache consistency
Ceph is a near POSIX system in which reads must re
ect an up-to-date version of data
and writes must re
ect a particular order of occurrences. It allows concurrent read and
write accesses using a simple locking mechanism called capabilities. These latter, granted
by the MDSs, give users the ability to read, read and cache, write or write and bu er
data. Ceph also provides some tools to relax consistency. For example the O_LAZY options
allows users to read a le even if it is currently rewritten.
2.4.4 Replication and synchronisation
When a client writes a data, corresponding objects are put on di erent placement group
(PG) and then stored on OSDs. The choice of PGs and OSDs is ensured by the CRUSH
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function according to free disk space and weighted devices and using the same placement
policy as HDFS. Ceph implements three synchronous replication strategies: primary-copy,
chain and splay replication. In primary-copy replication, the rst OSD in the PG forwards
the writes to the other OSDs and once the latter have sent a acknowledgement, it applies
its writes, then reads are allowed. In chain replication, writes are applied sequentially
and reads are allowed once the last replication on the last OSD have been made. Finally,
in splay replication, half of the number of replicas are written sequentially and then in
parallel. Reads are permitted once all OSDs have applied the write.
2.4.5 Load balancing
Ceph ensures load balancing at two levels: data and metadata. Firstly, it implements a
counter for each metadata which allows it to know their access frequency. Thus, Ceph
is able to replicate or move the most frequently accessed metadata from an overloaded
MDS to another one. Secondly, Ceph uses weighted devices. For example, let assume
having two storage resources with respectively a weight of one and two. The second one
will store twice as much data as the rst one. Ceph monitors the space disk used by each
OSD, and moves data to balance the system according to the weight associated to each
OSD. For example, let assume a new device is added. Ceph will be able to move data
from OSDs which have become unbalanced to this new device.
2.4.6 Fault detection
Ceph uses the same fault detection model as HDFS. OSDs periodically exchange heartbeats
to detect failures. Ceph provides a small cluster of monitors which holds a copy
of the cluster map. Each OSD can send a failure report to any monitor. The inaccurate
OSD will be marked as down. Each OSD can also query an up-to-date version of the
cluster map from the cluster of monitor. Thus, a formerly defaulting OSD can join the
system again.
2.5 GlusterFS
GlusterFS6 [8, 9] is an open source (GPL) distributed le system developed by the gluster
core team.
2.5.1 Architecture
GlusterFS is di erent from the other DFSs. It has a client-server design in which there
is no metadata server. Instead, GlusterFS stores data and metadata on several devices
attached to di erent servers. The set of devices is called a volume which can be con gured
to stripe data into blocks and/or replicate them. Thus, blocks will be distributed and/or
replicated across several devices inside the volume.
2.5.2 Naming
GlusterFS does not manage metadata in a dedicated and centralised server, instead, it
locates les algorithmically using the Elastic Hashing Algorithm (EHA) [8] to provide a
global name space. EHA uses a hash function to convert a le's pathname into a xed
length, uniform and unique value. A storage is assigned to a set of values allowing the
system to store a le based on its value. For example, let assume there are two storage
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devices: disk1 and disk2 which respectively store les with value from 1 to 20 and from
21 to 40. The le my le.txt is converted to the value 30. Therefore, it will be stored onto
2.5.3 API and client access
GlusterFS provides a REST API and a mount module (FUSE or mount command) to
give clients with an access to the system. Clients interact, send and retrieve les with, to
and from a volume.
2.5.4 Cache consistency
GlusterFS does not use client side caching, thus, avoiding cache consistency issues.
2.5.5 Replication and synchronisation
Compared to the other DFSs, GlusterFS does not replicate data one by one, but relies on
RAID 1. It makes several copies of a whole storage device into other ones inside a same
volume using synchronous writes. That is, a volume is composed by several subsets in
which there are an initial storage disk and its mirrors.
Therefore, the number of storage devices in a volume must be a multiple of the desired
replication. For example, let assume we have got four storage medias, and replication is
xed to two. The rst storage will be replicated into the second and thus form a subset.
In the same way, the third and fourth storage form another subset.
2.5.6 Load balancing
GlusterFS uses a hash function to convert les' pathnames into values and assigns several
logical storage to di erent set of value. This is uniformly done and allows GlusterFS to
be sure that each logical storage almost holds the same number of les. Since les have
not the same size and storage devices can be added or removed, GlusterFS a ects each
logical storage to a physical one according to the used disk space. Thus, when a disk is
added or removed, virtual storage can be moved to a di erent physical one in order to
balance the system.
2.5.7 Fault detection
In GlusterFS, when a server becomes unavailable, it is removed from the system and no
I/O operations to it can be perform.
2.6 Lustre
Lustre7 [10, 11, 12, 13, 14] is a DFS available for Linux and is under GPL licence.
2.6.1 Architecture
Lustre is a centralised distributed le system which di ers from the current DFSs in that
it does not provide any copy of data and metadata. Instead, Lustre chooses to It stores
metadata on a shared storage called Metadata Target (MDT) attached to two Metadata
Servers (MDS), thus o ering an active/passive failover. MDS are the servers that handle
the requests to metadata. Data themselves are managed in the same way. They are split
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into objects and distributed at several shared Object Storage Target (OST) which can
be attached to several Object Storage Servers (OSS) to provide an active/active failover.
OSS are the servers that handle I/O requests.
2.6.2 Naming
The Lustre's single global name space is provided to user by the MDS. Lustre uses inodes,
like HDFS or MooseFS, and extended attributes to map le object name to its
corresponding OSTs. Therefore, clients will be informed of which OSTs it should query
for each requested data.
2.6.3 API and client access
Lustre provides tools to mount the entire le system in user space (FUSE). Transfers of
les and processing queries are done in the same way like the other centralised DFSs,
that is, they rst ask the MDS to locate data and then directly perform I/O with the
appropriate OSTs.
2.6.4 Cache consistency
Lustre implements a Distributed Lock Manager (DLM) to manage cache consistency. This
is a sophisticated lock mechanism which allows Lustre to support concurrent read and
write access [14]. For example, Lustre can choose granting write-back lock in a directory
with little contention. Write-back lock allows clients to cache a large number of updates
in memory which will be committed to disk later, thus reducing data transfers. While in
a highly concurrently accessed directory, Lustre can choose performing each request one
by one to provide strong data consistency. More details on DLM can be found in [14].
2.6.5 Replication and synchronisation
Lustre does not ensure replication. Instead, it relies on independent software.
2.6.6 Load balancing
Lustre provides simple tools for load balancing. When an OST is unbalanced, that is, it
uses more space disk than other OSTs, the MDS will choose OSTs with more free space
to store new data.
2.6.7 Fault detection
Lustre is di erent from other DFSs because faults are detected during clients' operations
(metadata queries or data transfers) instead of being detected during servers' communications.
When a client requests a le, it rst contacts the MDS. If the latter is not
available, the client will ask a LDAP server to know what other MDS it can question.
Then, the system perform a failover, that is, the rst MDS is marked as dead, and the
second become the active one. A failure in OST is done in the same way. If a client sends
data to an OST which does not respond during a certain time it will be redirected to
another OST.
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Chapter 3
Analysis and Comparison
3.1 Scalability
DFSs must face with an increasing number of clients performing requests and I/O operations
and a growing number of les of di erent sizes to be stored. Scalability is the system's
ability to grow to answer the above issues without disturbing system's performance.
Here, we discuss about the bene ts and disadvantages of the di erent architectures used.
3.1.1 Discussion about architecture
In Lustre, metadata are managed by a single server and stores on its storage devices.
The number of client's requests per second that can be performed relies on the single
server's computing power and on disk latency. Therefore, this system is limited. HDFS
and MooseFS meets the same problems but choose to store metadata on the metadata
server's memory. This improves the time to perform a client's request, but the number
of les that can be created is smaller than in Lustre. iRODS also uses a centralised
architecture but relies on a database to manage and store metadata. This allows iRODS
to increase client's request using a SQL query while storing more les than in HDFS or
MooseFS. However, this number of les depends on the available disk space and remains
GlusterFS stores metadata on data servers, setting up to unlimited the number of les
Table 3.1: Summary table
HDFS iRODS Ceph GlusterFS Lustre
Architecture Centralized Centralized Distributed Decentralized Centralized
Naming Index Database CRUSH EHA Index
Fault detection Fully connect. P2P Fully connect. Detected Manually
No failover No failover High High Failover
Replication Replication Replication RAID-like No
Auto Manual Auto Manual No
Replication Async. Sync. Sync. Sync. RAID-like
WORM, lease Lock Lock No Lock
Load balancing Auto Manual Manual Manual No
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Table 3.2: Input and Output performances
HDFS iRODS Ceph GlusterFS Lustre MooseFS
Input/Output I O I O I O I O I O I O
1 20GB 407s 401s 520s 500s 419s 382s 341s 403s 374s 415s 448s 385s
1000 1MB 72s 17s 86s 23s 76s 21s 59s 18s 66s 5s 68s 4s
that can be created. Furthermore, it does not separate data and metadata management
which allows it to quickly scale by just adding one server. Ceph acts as GlusterFS but
distributes the metadata management across several metadata servers. It allows it to face
with a large number of client's requests. However, to increase both amount of data and
client's queries, Ceph needs to add two kind of servers: metadata or data, which makes
the system more complex to scale.
3.1.2 Small or big les?
Based on the information above, HDFS, MooseFS, iRODS and Lustre are more suitable
to store small quantity of big les whereas Ceph and GlusterFS can hold both small
and big data. However, note that, except iRODS, all the DFSs surveyed use striping to
speed up data transfers, but it is only bene cial for big les, since small les can not be
split into blocks. We have perform a simple test on grid5000 platform 1 on the pastel
cluster 2. We have measured the time to put (write) and get (read) a 20GB data and
one thousand of 1MB data. We have used two metadata servers for Ceph to bene t from
metadata distribution, four data servers, one client and no replication. The table 3.2
shows the results for read and write operations. Red color indicates the best result while
the blue one indicates the worst results. Though these tests depend on di erent factors
like network tra c and more tests are needed to conclude, we can see that the GlusterFS'
architecture perform better than the others for writing small les. This may be due to the
distributed request management. The second observation is that striping speed up the
performance on big les. Indeed, the only system (iRODS) that does not use this method
obtains the worst result. Note that the two Ceph's MDS does not improve performance.
Finally, no DFSs are better for reading les, may be except Lustre for small les. Other
tests are available in Section 4.4.
3.2 Transparency
In a DFS, the complexity of the underlying system must be hidden to users. They should
access a le and perform operations in a same way as in a local le system and should
not care about faults due to distributed nature of the lesystem. We now compare the
di erent features used to ensure transparency.
3.2.1 File access & operations transparency
Although DFSs use their own methods to locate les, all of them provide users with
a global namespace of the system and APIs are also the same regardless of the DFS.
Information about API can be found in table 3.1.
HDFS, MooseFS, iRODS and Lustre maintain an index in which a physical location is
associated to a lename This is easy to maintain since when a le is moved from a storage
to another one, created or deleted, the index is simply updated. The main disadvantage
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is that it is the responsibility of the metadata server to nd where data are stored when
a client request a le, adding more computing pressure on this server. Moreover, HDFS
and MooseFS store metadata in the memory, restricting the number of les to be created.
This is not the case for iRODS and Lustre since they put metadata on large space disk.
Ceph and GlusterFS use an algorithm to calculate data's location. It reduces the
metadata servers workload because this is clients that search for data's location. Metadata
servers only have to provide the information needed to correctly run the algorithm.
Nevertheless, contrary to maintaining an index, with this method when clients request a
le, they do not immediately know where the data is stored but they need to calculate
the data's location before accessing them.
3.2.2 Fault detection
Failures must be detected by the system before users. HDFS, MooseFS, iRODS, Ceph
and GlusterFS provide strong fault detection. Servers are fully connected and can detect
when one of them becomes unavailable. In this case, it is put in quarantine or removed
from the system limiting the risk that users are aware of such faults and thus ensuring
transparency. However, this implies exchanging a high number of messages between
servers which could have an impact on performance. In Lustre no mechanism is provided
to detect and correct an unavailable server. Users which try to access an inaccurate server
will have to ask another one by himself. therefore, it does not t with the transparency
issue introduced in Section 1.
3.2.3 System access
In this test, we try to access to a cluster in a private network from a client in another one
with only a ssh connection using port forwarding. We easily succeed for MooseFS and
iRODS and clients can transparently read and write les. For HDFS, we can communicate
with the namenode and so perform all the operations related to metadata (ls, stat . . . ).
However, to write les, we need to forward datanodes ports too which is more complex.
Currently, for Ceph and GlusterFS, we have not succeeded yet to interact with the system
from a outside client. Therefore, in this con guration, the system is less transparent than
the others. More details in Section 4.2
3.3 Fault tolerance
The distributed nature of DFS implies failures are the norm rather than the exception.
As seen before, faults considered can be: network and server failures that make data and
services unavailable, data integrity and consistency when several users concurrently access
data and nally, servers overloaded. In this section we compare the di erent features used
by the DFSs studied to face with these faults.
3.3.1 System availability
Ceph and GlusterFS are highly available. Metadata are replicated and their management
is distributed across several servers. Contrary, in a centralised system, the metadata
server is a single point of failure (SPOF) which can cause metadata loss and system
unavailability. To solve this problem, HDFS chooses to periodically save the metadata
and the namespace in a secondary namenode, allowing it to restart in a healthy state.
However, during this reboot, the system remains unavailable. In its side, iRODS provides
tools to replicate the database (pgpool) but, like HDFS, the system is unavailable until
the iCAT server is restarted. Finally, MooseFS and Lustre succeeds in avoiding the SPOF
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using failover: several metadata servers, in standby, periodically save the metadata to be
ready to take control of the system.
3.3.2 Data availability & data synchronisation
Regardless the DFS, data can be inaccessible if a server crashes. Except Lustre, the DFSs
surveyed use replication: several copies of data are made so that, in case of failures, there
is at least one available replica. However, some consistency issues are raised: all replicas
must be synchronised. HDFS uses asynchronous replication: when a data is written, it
is possible to request it even if replicas are not committed to disk. Usually, it does not
solve consistency issues since some out-to-date replicas can be accessed, but HDFS solves
this problem relying on WORM mechanism: once created, data can not be modi ed.
Therefore, consistency issues will only appear when le will be created. HDFS handles
this problem by granting lease on les during creation, making them inaccessible until
they are committed to disk. iRODS, Ceph and GlusterFS use synchronous replication:
queries on a le are blocked until all replicas are saved to disk. It avoids consistency
problems, but data are unavailable during the synchronisation. Furthermore, some DFSs
are better protected from failures by providing a placement strategy. HDFS and Ceph
automatically store replicas on di erent geographical rack whereas iRODS and GlusterFS
let administrators to determine the placement strategy to use. They all provide strong
data availability. In its side, MooseFS does not provide any placement strategy which
makes it more vulnerable to outage or network failures. Moreover, HDFS, MooseFS and
Ceph automatically verify if the desired replication is satis ed and replicate or remove
copies when it is not the case whereas in iRODS this is done manually. Finally, by default,
Lustre does not make data always available. Instead, it relies on independent software
which must be set up in addition. Without, these independent tools, this system is not
well protected from failures.
3.3.3 Load balancing & cache consistency
Overloaded servers can delay or abort request execution. While Ceph and GlusterFS provide
algorithms to distribute the metadata workload and allows to dynamically add new
servers, the single metadata server of the centralised system is a bottleneck. To counter
this problem, these DFSs use thread which allows them to perform several requests in parallel.
They also cache data on client side to avoid useless query. However, these solutions
merely push the limits of the system but do not delete them. Moreover, caching data can
lead to consistency issues: a data being updated must not be accessible by other users.
As seen in the above Section, HDFS does not allow les modi cation, removing consistency
issues. iRODS and Lustre employ locks on le to ensure concurrent access. Files
are blocked until operations are performed, thus, consistency issues are solved. However
locks have an impact on data availability: if operations can not be well executed, due to
failures, the le might be inde nitely blocked. These DFSs must periodically remove old
locks to unblock les. Note that, Ceph also use caching with locks. Another problem is
overloaded data server which causes network congestion: if a data server stores more les
than the others, it will perform more I/O operations. All the DFSs detect overloaded
servers in di erent ways. MooseFS and Lustre stores new data on server which have the
most free disk space, but they do not relieve overloaded servers. iRODS must be con gured
to avoid the overload whereas HDFS, Ceph and GlusterFS succeed in it by placing
data according to free disk space and moving data from an overloaded server to another
one. Furthermore, DFSs allow to dynamically add new data servers. As seen above, in
MooseFS and Lustre, adding new servers will only be used for new data but will not
relieve overloaded servers. In iRODS, Ceph and GlusterFS, commands must be manually
hal-00789086, version 1 - 15 Feb 2013
run to perform a load balancing whereas HDFS is better since it is automatically done.
3.3.4 Test on data servers
Here, we have just simulated a crash on a data server. For all DFSs, the inaccurate server
is detected and put in quarantine. Data are still available, except for Lustre, thanks to
replication and the desired number of replicas is maintained except for GlusterFS and
iRODS. These tests are detailed in Section 4.3.
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Chapter 4
Tests achieved on the DFSs
We have perform some tests on the di erent DFSs on grid5000 platform. In this chapter,
we explain how we have set up the DFSs surveyed on this platform, detail how we have
accessed to the DFSs from an outside network, show the DFSs' behaviour in case of faults
and nally introduce the results of some performance tests.
4.1 Setting up the DFSs studied on grid5000 platform
The grid5000 platform allows users to reserve some nodes on di erent clusters1 and to
deploy an environment on these nodes. Several image are available according to the
cluster2. Here, we reserve nodes on the pastel cluster 3 and deploy a debian image:
local~: ssh
toulouse~: oarsub -I -t deploy -l nodes=number,walltime=reservation_time
toulouse~: kadeploy3 -f list_of_nodes -e squeeze-x64-base -k
Now, we introduce how to set up the di erent DFSs surveyed.
4.1.1 HDFS
HDFS4 needs installing Java before setting it up. Secondly, we have downloaded the
hadoop package5, and put it on all nodes (including clients), then we install it with root
apt-get install sun-java6-jre
dpkg -i hadoop_1.0.3-1_x86_64.deb
Con guration
First we choose a node to be the namenode. Then, for all servers, we edit four les:
hdfs-site.xml, core-site.xml, slaves and The rst includes settings for the
namespace checkpoint's location and for where the datanodes store lesystem blocks. The
hal-00789086, version 1 - 15 Feb 2013
Table 4.1: HDFS con g les
hdfs-site.xml core-site.xml slaves

second speci es which node is the namenode, the third must contain all the datanodes'
hostname and the last holds the JAVA HOME variable which speci es the path to Java
directory. Note that for hdfs's clients, only the JAVA HOME variable and the core-
site.xml must be modi ed. Table 4.1 shows the con g les used in our tests.
Running HDFS
Once connected to the namenode, we can start HDFS and then, from the clients, perform
some operations:
namenode~: hadoop namenode -format
user~: hadoop dfs -put local_file hadoop_destination
user~: hadoop dfs -get hadoop_file local_destination
4.1.2 MooseFS
MooseFS6 needs installing pkg-con g and zlib1g-dev before setting it up. Secondly, we
have downloaded the MooseFS archive7 and the fuse package8. The latter is needed for
MooseFS's clients. On all nodes (including clients) we extract the archive and create a
MooseFS group and user:
node~: apt-get install pkg-config zlib1g-dev
node~: tar xzf mfs-1.6.25-1.tar.gz
node~: groupadd mfs; useradd -g mfs mfs
user~: tar xzf fuse-2.9.2.tar.gz
According to the kind of servers (master, backup, chunk or user), the installation is
di erent.
Master server
6 les/manpageszip/moosefs-step-by-step-tutorial-v.1.1.pdf
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master~: cd mfs-1.6.25-1
master~: ./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc
\--localstatedir=/var/lib --with-default-user=mfs
\--with-default-group=mfs --disable-mfschunkserver
master~: make; make install
Con guration:
{ First add master's server IP to hosts les:
master~: echo "ip_master_server mfsmaster" >> /etc/hosts
{ Then run the following commands to avoid some errors:
master~: cd /etc
master~: cp mfsmaster.cfg.dist mfsmaster.cfg
master~: cp mfsmetalogger.cfg.dist mfsmetalogger.cfg
master~: cp mfsexports.cfg.dist mfsexports.cfg
master~: cd /var/lib/mfs
master~: cp metadata.mfs.empty metadata.mfs
Running master server:
master~: /usr/sbin/mfsmaster start
Backup server
backup~: cd mfs-1.6.25-1
backup~: ./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc
\--localstatedir=/var/lib --with-default-user=mfs
\--with-default-group=mfs --disable-mfschunkserver \
backup~: make; make install
Con guration:
{ First add master's server IP to hosts les:
backup~: echo "ip_master_server mfsmaster" >> /etc/hosts
{ Then run the following commands to avoid some errors:
backup~: cd /etc
backup~: cp mfsmetalogger.cfg.dist mfsmetalogger.cfg
Running backup server:
backup~: /usr/sbin/mfsmetalogger start
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Chunk server
chunk~: cd mfs-1.6.25-1
chunk~: ./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc
\--localstatedir=/var/lib --with-default-user=mfs
\--with-default-group=mfs --disable-mfsmaster
chunk~: make; make install
Con guration:
{ First add master's server IP to hosts les:
chunk~: echo "ip_master_server mfsmaster" >> /etc/hosts
{ Then con gure the storage which will store data's blocks:
chunk~: echo "/tmp" >> mfshdd.cfg
chunk~: chown -R mfs:mfs /tmp
{ Finally run the following commands to avoid some errors:
chunk~: cd /etc
chunk~: mfschunkserver.cfg.dist mfschunkserver.cfg
chunk~: cp mfshdd.cfg.dist mfshdd.cfg
Running chunk server:
chunk~: /usr/sbin/mfschunkserver start
user~: cd fuse-2.9.2
user~: ./configure; make; make install
{ MooseFS:
user~: ./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc
\--localstatedir=/var/lib --with-default-user=mfs
\--with-default-group=mfs --disable-mfsmaster
user~: make; make install
Con guration:
{ First add master's server IP to hosts les:
user~: echo "ip_master_server mfsmaster" >> /etc/hosts
{ Then create the moun directory:
user~: mkdir -p /tmp/mfs
{ Finally mount the lesystem:
user~: /usr/bin/mfsmount /tmp/mfs -H mfsmaster
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Perform operations:
user~: cp local_file /tmp/mfs
user~: cp /tmp/mfs/file local_destination
4.1.3 iRODS
iRODS910 setting up is made with non root user and is interactive. When the script is
run, some questions are asked to con gure iRODS. We can choose, for example, which
server will be the iCat server or where to store data on iRODS servers. iCat server needs
postgresql and odcb to store metadata. Their installation is automatically run during
iRODS setting up. However, on grid5000 platform, some downloads are blocked, and we
had to retrieve these software manually and put them on the iCat, so that iRODS can
detect that a transfer is not needed:
icat~: tar xzf postgresql-9.0.3.tar.gz
icat~: mkdir postgresql-9.0.3/src/interfaces/odbc
icat~: cd postgresql-9.0.3/src/interfaces/odbc
icat~: tar xzf /home/cseguin/unixODBC-2.2.12.tar.gz
Then, extract the iRODS archive, install and perform some operations:
node~: tar xzf irods3.1.tgz
node~: cd iRODS/
node~: ./irodssetup
user~: cd iRODS/clients/icommands/bin
user~: ./iput local_file irods_destination
user~: ./iget irods_file local_destination
4.1.4 Ceph
To set up Ceph, download and install the following package11 on all nodes (including
clients) with root permissions:
node~: dpkg -i ceph_0.47.3-1~bpo60+1_amd64.deb
node~: dpkg -i ceph-common_0.47.3-1~bpo60+1_amd64.deb
node~: dpkg -i ceph-fuse_0.47.3-1~bpo60+1_amd64.deb
node~: dpkg -i libcephfs1_0.47.3-1~bpo60+1_amd64.deb
node~: dpkg -i librados2_0.47.3-1~bpo60+1_amd64.deb
node~: dpkg -i librbd1_0.47.3-1~bpo60+1_amd64.deb
node~: apt-get -f install
Con guration
Ceph12 uses a unique con g le for all nodes (including clients). Here is the con g le
used for our tests:
hal-00789086, version 1 - 15 Feb 2013
auth supported = none
keyring = /etc/ceph/keyring
mon data = /tmp/mon.$id
keyring = /etc/ceph/keyring.$name
keyring = /etc/ceph/keyring.$name
osd data = /tmp/osd.$id
osd journal = /root/osd.$id.journal
osd journal size = 1000
filestore xattr use omap = true
keyring = /etc/ceph/keyring.$name
host = "mon_hostname"
mon addr = "ip_mon":6789
host = "mds_hostname"
host = "osd_hostname"
For each monitor, metadata server and data server, change "mon num", "mds num"
and "osd num" by the server's number (1, 2, 3 . . . ). Finally, do not forget to create all
directories needed on monitors and data servers:
mon~: mkdir /tmp/mon."num_mon"
osd~: mkdir /tmp/osd."num_osd"
Mounting ceph on server side
For all the servers, run the following command:
server~: mount -o remount,user_xattr /tmp
Running Ceph
Choose a main monitor and run the following command from it:
mkcephfs -a -c /etc/ceph/ceph.conf -k /etc/ceph/keyring
service ceph -a start
Mounting Ceph on client side
From the client mount the ceph le system and perform some operations:
user~: mkdir /ceph
user~: ceph-fuse -m $ip_main_mon:6789 /ceph
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user~: cp local_file /ceph
user~: cp /ceph/file local_destination
4.1.5 GlusterFS
First download the glusterFS package13 for all nodes (including clients) edit the sources.list
le and install glusterFS14 with root permissions:
node~: glusterfs_3.3.0-1_amd64.deb
node~: echo "deb sid main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list
node~: apt-get update
node~: dpkg -i glusterfs_3.3.0-1_amd64.deb
node~: apt-get -f -y install
Finally, on all servers create a directory in which data will be stored and run GlusterFS:
node~: mkdir /tmp/data
node~: /etc/init.d/glusterd start
Con guration
First, choose a main server in which create a pool of trusted server (the main server is
automatically include in the pool). Then, from the main server, we can create a replicated
and/or striped volume. Note that, for n stripe and p replicas, the number of server needed
is n p:
main~: gluster peer probe "server1_hostname"
main~: gluster peer probe "server2_hostname"
main~: gluster peer probe "serverN_hostname"
main~: gluster volume create test-volume stripe 4 replica 2 transport tcp
\"main_server_hostname:/tmp/data" ... "server8_hostname:/tmp/data"
main~: gluster volume start test-volume
Mounting GlusterFS on client side
To mount the Gluster le system run the following commands from the client and perform
some operations:
user:~ mkdir /tmp/gluster
user~: mount -t glusterfs "main_server_hostname":/test-volume /tmp/gluster
user~: cp local_file /tmp/gluster
user~: cp /tmp/gluster/file local_destination
4.1.6 Lustre
Lustre needs to install15 a new linux kernel and reboot on it. We had to create a new
environment on grid5000 platform which is detailed here:
14 Page
15 of Lustre 2.2 in Debian Squeeze
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Lustre environment on grid5000 platform
On one node, download the following packages16 17 and install them with root permissions:
node~: dpkg -i ldiskfsprogs_1.42.3-1_amd64.deb
node~: dpkg -i linux-headers-2.6.32+lustre1.8.7-wc+0.
node~: dpkg -i linux-image-2.6.32+lustre1.8.7-wc+0.credativ.squeeze.1_2.6.32
node~: dpkg -i lustre-modules-2.6.32+lustre1.8.7-
node~: dpkg -i lustre-utils_1.8.7-wc1+dfsg-0.credativ.squeeze.1_amd64.deb
Then create an archive of the new environment18 and modify the con g le19:
node~: mount -o bind / /mnt
toulouse~: ssh "cd /mnt;
\tar --posix --numeric-owner --one-file-system -zcf - *" > archive.tgz
node~: umount /mnt
toulouse~: kaenv3 -p squeeze-x64-base -u deploy > mysqueeze-x64-base.env
toulouse~: vim mysqueeze-x64-base.env
tarball : archive.tgz|tgz
kernel : /boot/"new_kernel"
initrd : /boot/"new_initrd"
Now we can run the new environment on all nodes (including clients) and boot on the
new kernel:
toulouse~: kadeploy3 -f "list_of_nodes" -a mysqueeze-x64-base.env
Finally, on all nodes run:
node~: modprobe lnet
node~: modprobe lustre
node~: modprobe ldiskfs
Running Lustre
On metadata server side (mds), choose a partition to format and mount it:
mds~: mkfs.lustre --fsname=lustrefs --mgs --mdt /dev/sda4
mds~: mkdir /lustre
mds~: mount -t lustre /dev/sda4 /lustre
On data server side, choose a partition to format and mount it:
osd~: mkfs.lustre --ost --fsname=lustrefs --mgsnode"ip_mds"@tcp0 /dev/sda4
osd~: mkdir /lustre
osd~: mount -t lustre /dev/sda4 /lustre
On client side, mount the Lustre le system and perform some operations:
18 environment-OAR2
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user~: mkdir /lustre
user~: mount -t lustre "ip_mds"@tcp0:/lustrefs /lustre
user~: cp local_file /lustre
user~: cp /lustre/file local_destination
4.2 System accessibility
In this test, we try to access to a cluster in a private network from a client in another one
with only a ssh connection using port forwarding. The following tests are made on client
4.2.1 HDFS
We run the following command and then modify the core-site.xml le:
user~: ssh -NfL 9000:namenode_hostname:9000 gateway_grid5000

We are able to communicate with the namenode and so perform all the operations
related to metadata (ls, stat . . . ). However, to write les, we need to forward datanodes
ports too which is more complex and we do not try it.
4.2.2 MooseFS
We modify the hosts le and run the following commands:
user~: echo " mfsmaster" >> /etc/hosts
user~: ssh -NfL 9421:master_hostname:9421 gateway_grid5000
user~: mfsmount /tmp/mfs -H mfsmaster
We easily succeed in writing and reading les.
4.2.3 iRODS
We run the following command and then modify the .irodsEnv le:
user~: ssh -N -f -L 12477:icat_hostname:1247 gateway_grid5000
user~: vim ~/.irods/.irodsEnv
# iRODS server host name:
irodsHost 'localhost'
# iRODS server port number:
irodsPort 12477
We easily succeed in writing and reading les.
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4.2.4 Ceph
We run the following command and then modify the ceph.conf le:
user~: ssh -N -f -L 6789:main_mon_hostname:6789 gateway_grid5000
user~: vim /etc/ceph.conf
host = localhost
mon addr =
Currently, we have not succeeded yet to interact with the system from a outside client.
4.2.5 GlusterFS
For GlusterFS, it is harder because several tcp and udp ports are open. We try to redirect
all of them without any success.
4.3 System availability
In this test, we examine how the system behaves when one of its nodes crashes. To do
that, we rst put a data, look at the space disk used and crash a node. Is this node
detected as unavailable? Is desired replication satis ed? Are data always available? Is
the system balanced when this node is available again? We, now, answer these questions.
4.3.1 HDFS
We use 1 namenode, 5 datanodes, 3 replicas.
Put a data (34MB):
hadoop dfs -put toto toto
Space disk used before and after the put:
Server1 Server2 Server3 Server4 Server5
SD before 189M 189M 189M 189M 189M
Put toto 3 34M
SD after 211M 214M 204M 209M 208M
Modi cation 101M 22M 25M 15M 20M 19M
The le is replication three times across all the nodes.
Crash a node:
kapower3 -m server1 --off
The system is going down for system halt NOW!
hadoop dfsadmin -report
Datanodes available: 4 (5 total, 1 dead)
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The inaccurate node is detected and ten minutes after it is removed from the system.
Satisfying the replication:
Server1 Server2 Server3 Server4 Server5
SD Before crash 211M 214M 204M 209M 208M
Status KO Ok Ok Ok Ok
SD After crash 189M 218M 211M 217M 211M
Modi cation -22M 4M 7M 8M 3M
The 22MB lost are recover on other nodes.
Get a data:
hadoop dfs -get toto toto
The data is still available.
Rebooting node:
server1:~# start datanode
hadoop dfsadmin -report
Datanodes available: 5 (5 total, 0 dead)
The node is quickly detected.
Load balancing
Server1 Server2 Server3 Server4 Server5
SD Before reboot 189M 218M 211M 217M 211M
Statut Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok
SD After reboot 209M 211M 208M 210M 208M
Modi cation 20M -7M -3M -7M -3M
Finally, the system is automatically balanced.
4.3.2 MooseFS
We use 1 master server, 1 backup node, 5 chunk servers, 3 replicas.
Put a data (34MB):
cp toto /tmp/mfs/toto
Space disk used before and after the put:
Server1 Server2 Server3 Server4 Server5
SD before 198M 198M 198M 198M 1983M
Put toto 3 34M
SD after 211M 234M 198M 221M 233M
Modi cation 107M 13M 36M 0M 23M 35M
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The le is replication three times across four the nodes. We do not know why
server3 does not hold any data.
Crash a node:
kapower3 -m server1 --off
The system is going down for system halt NOW!
Detection: We have used a REST API which provides user with a global system's
monitoring. The inaccurate node is detected and removed from the system.
Satisfying the replication:
Server1 Server2 Server3 Server4 Server5
SD Before crash 211M 234M 198M 221M 233M
Status KO Ok Ok Ok Ok
SD After crash 198M 234M 198M 221M 233M
Modi cation -13M 0M 0M 0M 0M
The 13MB lost are not recover on other nodes. Replication is not satis ed.
Get a data:
cp /tmp/mfstoto toto
The data is still available.
Rebooting node:
server1:~# mfschunkserver start
Detection: Using the REST API, we can see that the node is quickly available again.
Load balancing
Server1 Server2 Server3 Server4 Server5
SD Before reboot 198M 234M 198M 221M 233M
Statut Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok
SD After reboot 211M 234M 198M 221M 233M
Modi cation 13M 0M 0M 0M 0M
Finally, we do not remove data from the inaccurate server, that is why 13MB are
recover. The system is not automatically balanced.
4.3.3 iRODS
We use 1 iCat, 4 iRODS servers.
Put a data (34MB):
iput toto toto
Space disk used before and after the put:
hal-00789086, version 1 - 15 Feb 2013
Server1 Server2 Server3 Server4 Server5
SD before 197M 197M 197M 197M 197M
Put toto 34M
SD after 231M 197M 197M 197M 197M
Modi cation 34M 34M 0M 0M 0M 0M
The le is put on one node since iRODS does not split data into blocks.
Crash a node:
kapower3 -m server1 --off
The system is going down for system halt NOW!
ips -a
ERROR: for at least one of the server failed.
The inaccurate node is detected and data is lost since there is no replication.
Rebooting node:
server1:~#irodsctl istart
Starting iRODS server...
ips -a
Server: server1
28237 rods#tempZone 0:00:00 ips
The node is quickly detected and if data are not removed from disk, they are
available again.
4.3.4 Ceph
We use 2 mds, 2 mon, 3 osd, 2 replicas.
Put a data (34MB):
cp toto /ceph/toto
Space disk used before and after the put:
Server1 Server2 Server3
SD before 203M 204M 204M
Put toto 2 34M
SD after 218M 238M 228M
Modi cation 73M 15M 34M 24M
The le is replication twice across all the nodes.
Crash a node:
hal-00789086, version 1 - 15 Feb 2013
kapower3 -m server1 --off
The system is going down for system halt NOW!
ceph -s
osd : 3 osds: 2 up, 2 in
The inaccurate node is detected and removed from the system.
Satisfying the replication:
Server1 Server2 Server3
SD Before crash 218M 238M 228M
Status KO Ok Ok
SD After crash 203M 242M 239M
Modi cation -15M 4M 11M
The 15MB lost are recover on other nodes.
Get a data:
cp /ceph/toto toto
The data is still available.
Rebooting node:
server1:~#service ceph -a start
ceph -s
osd : 3 osds: 3 up, 3 in
The node is quickly detected.
Load balancing
Server1 Server2 Server3
SD Before reboot 203M 242M 239M
Statut Ok Ok Ok
SD After reboot 223M 230M 231M
Modi cation 20M -12M -8M
Finally, the system is automatically balanced.
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4.3.5 GlusterFS
We use 4 servers, 2 stripes and 2 replicas.
Put a data (34MB):
cp toto /tmp/gluster/toto
Space disk used before and after the put:
Server1 Server2 Server3 Server4
SD before 201M 201M 201M 201M
Put toto 2 34M
SD after 218M 218M 218M 218M
Modi cation 68M 17M 17M 17M 17M
The le is replicated twice across all the nodes.
Crash a node:
kapower3 -m server1 --off
The system is going down for system halt NOW!
gluster volume status test-volume
Status of volume: test-volume
Gluster process Port Online Pid
Brick server2:/tmp/data 24009 Y 4861
Brick server3:/tmp/data 24009 Y 5055
Brick server4:/tmp/data 24009 Y 5251
The inaccurate node is detected and removed from the system.
Satisfying the replication:
Server1 Server2 Server3 Server4
SD Before crash 218M 218M 218M 218M
Status KO Ok Ok Ok
SD After crash 201M 218M 218M 218M
Modi cation -17M 0M 0M 0M
The 17MB lost are not recover on other nodes.
Get a data:
cp /tmp/gluster/toto toto
The data is still available.
Rebooting node:
server1:~#/etc/init.d/glusterd start
Starting glusterd service: glusterd.
hal-00789086, version 1 - 15 Feb 2013
gluster volume status test-volume
Status of volume: test-volume
Gluster process Port Online Pid
Brick server1:/tmp/data 24009 Y 4891
Brick server2:/tmp/data 24009 Y 4861
Brick server3:/tmp/data 24009 Y 5055
Brick server4:/tmp/data 24009 Y 5251
The node is quickly detected.
Load balancing
Server1 Server2 Server3 Server4
SD Before reboot 201M 218M 218M 218M
Statut Ok Ok Ok Ok
SD After reboot 218M 218M 218M 218M
Modi cation 17M 0M 0M 0M
Finally, if data are not removed from the inaccurate disk, they are available again,
but the system is not automatically balanced.
4.3.6 Lustre
We use 1 mds, 4 data servers, no replica.
Put a data (34MB):
cp toto /lustre/toto
Space disk used before and after the put:
Server1 Server2 Server3 Server4
SD before 482M 482M 482M 482
Put toto 34M
SD after 491M 491M 491M 491M
Modi cation 36M 9M 9M 9M 9M
The le is striped across all the nodes.
Crash a node:
kapower3 -m server1 --off
The system is going down for system halt NOW!
lfs check servers
lustrefs-OST0000: check error
The inaccurate node is detected.
hal-00789086, version 1 - 15 Feb 2013
Get a data:
cp /lustre/toto toto
Input/Output error
The data is not available.
Rebooting node:
server1:~#mount -t lustre /dev/sda4 /lustre
lfs check servers
lustrefs-OST0000: active
The node is quickly detected.
Load balancing
Server1 Server2 Server3 Server4
SD Before reboot 482M 491M 491M 491M
Statut Ok Ok Ok Ok
SD After reboot 491M 491M 491M 491M
Modi cation 9M 0M 0M 0M
Finally, if data are not removed from disk, they are available again, but the system
is not automatically balanced.
4.4 System performance
In addition to the tests introduced in Section 3.1.2, we have perform another simple test
on grid5000 platform 20 on the pastel cluster 21. We have measured the time to put
(write) and get (read) a 20GB data and one thousand of 1MB data with two replicas
and compare with the results obtained with one replica. We have used two metadata
servers for Ceph to bene t from metadata distribution, four data servers, one client and
2 replicas. The tables 4.2 shows the results for read and write operations with 1 and 2
replicas. Red color indicates the best result while the blue one indicates the worst results.
iRODS' performance decrease for writing small and big les with 2 replicas, time is
doubled. This is due to the replication operation which is identical to perform another
put. On its side, Ceph decrease for writing big les may be due to the synchronous
replication Performance of the other DFSs do not dramatically decrease. Note that no
consequent modi cation is noticed about reads performance but it could be interesting
to test the system with concurrent access and so with more users.
Table 4.2: Input and Output performances with 1 and 2 replicas
HDFS iRODS Ceph GlusterFS MooseFS
Input/Output I O I O I O I O I O
1 20GB 407s 401s 520s 500s 419s 382s 341s 403s 448s 385s
2 20GB 626s 422s 1070s 468s 873s 495s 426s 385s 504s 478s
1000 1MB 72s 17s 86s 23s 76s 21s 59s 18s 68s 4s
2 1000 1MB 96s 17s 179s 20s 85s 23s 86s 17s 89s 4s
hal-00789086, version 1 - 15 Feb 2013
Chapter 5
DFSs are the principle storage solution used by supercomputers, clusters and datacenters.
In this paper, we have given a presentation and a comparison of ve DFSs based on
scalability, transparency and fault tolerance. DFSs surveyed are : Lustre, HDFS, Ceph,
MooseFS, GlusterFS and iRODS. We have seen that the DFSs ensure transparency and
fault tolerance using di erent methods that provide the same results. The main di erence
lies on the design. In theory, decentralised architectures seem to scale better than a
centralised one thanks to the distributed workload management. Furthermore, the choice
of a DFS should be done according to their use. For performance, an asynchronous
replication and the use of an index to maintain the namespace are preferable whereas
a decentralised architecture is better for managing large amounts of data and requests.
The comparison given in this paper is theoretical. However we have performed some
simple tests to measure the system accessibility and fault tolerance. We try to access
to a cluster in a private network from another one with only a ssh connection. Using
port forwarding, we have conclude that only iRODS and MooseFS are is easily accessible.
About fault tolerance, we just have simulated a crash on a data server. For all DFSs,
except Lustre, the inaccurate server is detected and put in quarantine in a transparent
way. The desired number of replicas is maintained except for GlusterFS and iRODS. We
hope to perform stronger tests in future to provide a practical analysis. In particular,
measuring scalability and limits of metadata server(s) by stressing them, that is, sending
several requests. Asynchronous and synchronous I/O operations can also be compared.
Finally, testing fault tolerance in a more thorough way is needed.
This work was developed with nancial support from the ANR (Agence Nationale de la
Recherche) through the SOP project referenced 11-INFR-001-04.
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